Mental Imagery

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“You have to smell it, you have to hear it, you have to feel it, everything” said Emily Cook, an American Freestyle Skier. Two weeks before the 2002 Winter Olympics, Emily fractured her left foot and tore her ligaments in both of her feet. After all the painful surgeries, Emily felt deeply discouraged and believed it was impossible to participate in the Olympics (Clarey, 2014). Nicole Detling, a Sport Psychologist, worked with Emily on mental imagery; Nicole first used a healing imagery by training Emily to imagine her bones slowly healing. Then, Detling trained Emily to write down every detail of a perfect run, the feeling of the cold air touching her neck, the muscles she is using, and how she would land (Clarey, 2014). Emily Cook stated that the use of imagery inhibited her negative thoughts from appearing in her mind. She imagined the loud sound of a pin popping a red balloon; the red balloon symbolized as her negative thoughts. The loud sound allowed Emily to get rid of her negative thoughts and focus only on her positive thoughts. The use of mental imagery causes athletes to be able to improve emotions, proprioceptive senses, and the readiness of athletes. If athletes commit to practicing mental imagery then athletes can maximize their performance. Mental imagery is a powerful mental training technique. According to Abdin, mental imagery is a structured technique that cognitively allows the athlete to modify their experiences by retrieving information that is stored in long-term memory (Abdin, 2010). Not only associated with visualization but it is also associated with hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling. Terms that can be used interchangeably with mental imagery are mental rehearsal or mental practice. Athletes create their own written or audio scripts on certain skills he or she need to improve on. Some athletes have higher arousal levels so they use audio scripts to mentally prepare them for a specific situation. These audio or written scripts consist of very detailed scenarios that consist of the temperature, smell, or muscles that will be used during the performance. The goal of mental imagery is to make the imagery as vivid as the real competition. These vivid mental images will allow the athlete to reduce their anxiety and stress levels. However each athlete uses imagery differently, for example, swimmers use mostly his or her olfactory to detect the smell of chlorine. While gymnasts use more of a kinesthetic sense in order to be able to perform well on their balance beam routine. Overall, mental imagery creates optimal performances by giving athletes the ability to strictly detect relevant emotions and better self-confidence. Generally sports are known to be physical related however emotions have a great impact on sports. An athlete’s negative and positive emotions will reflect on how he or she will perform. For example, if an athlete was angry or frustrated he or she can have poor coordination, muscle tension, and difficulty breathing (Taylor, 2010). In addition, if an athlete felt angry or frustrated in a game, he or she will have that emotion lingering around them for a while. If the athlete held onto these negative emotions, he or she would injure their performance. Athletes who perform poorly due to negative emotions can affect themselves mentally as well. The athlete’s emotions can convince him or her that they are not capable of achieving their goals and this can decrease self-confidence. According to two researchers, “Within an appropriate training program imagery skills can increase self awareness, facilitate skill acquisition …show more content…
There are various studies that have proven mental imagery produces the same results as physical rehabilitation. Mental imagery leaves positive effects because when the person is using imagery, they are activating the same motor impulses as they would they physically move. This advantage allows stroke patients to practice mental imagery and improve on everyday tasks such as sitting or standing. All athletes use mental imagery in different ways; not all imagery is visual but can be also, smell, taste, hear, and touch. Mental imagery allows the person to be prepared for stressful situations and if that person ends up performing well then that will improve the person’s confidence and

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