Luke Pell is an early fan favorite on The Bachelorette this season. Fans want to know all of the details about Luke Pell and if he will be the one who wins JoJo Fletcher's heart this season. Spoilers are already out from Reality Steve and Luke is one guy that you will want to be watching this season. According to Steve's blog, Luke Pell will make it to the final four this season, which of course, puts him in the running for The Bachelor if he doesn't win this season of the show. Luke is actually from Burnet, Texas and JoJo will go to Austin for his hometown date.…
The adventurer Meriwether Lewis explored the west Louisiana territory. He came back efficacious and became a national hero until he died under suspicious circumstances on October 11, 1809. The brave man died in his room at an Inn called Grinder’s Stand from a gunshot to the back of his skull and to his chest. The death was pegged as a suicide but, before his death Lewis was going through psychological and physical health problems, financial problems and bankruptcy. Meriwether Lewis’ untimely demise was considered a suicide for an extensive period of time, but what essentially occurred based off the evidence gathered is that the unidentified black man who was voyaging with Major Neely was employed by Nelly who was appointed by General James Wilkerson to assassinate Meriwether Lewis.…
Thomas Gage:The Red Coat General Carson Patchen Revolutionary War Biography 5th Grade Literacy May 11,2017 Only a couple of people could have claimed that they were a successful British general and one of them is Thomas Gage. Thomas Gage was a successful and skilled British general. In these next paragraphs it is going to talk about his early life, adult life and his contribution to the Revolutionary War and that's why he is a good example of a general .…
Alvin Cullum York was born in the hills of the Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee near the city of Pall Mall on December 13, 1887. Alvin was born into a poor family of 13 people: Alvin's dad William Uriah York, Alvin's mom Mary Elizabeth York, and his 11 siblings. Living in an area where people though education wasn't important, York only received 9 months of schooling. After his father died when York was 24, he started working jobs to help his family out financially, and because of the stress, he started to drink, gamble, and start many fights. But one day, his best friend was killed in a bar fight which resulted in York changing his lifestyle and becoming a religious human being.…
Lewis Meriwether Lewis was the oldest son and the middle child. He was born on August 18, 1774 in Albemarle County, Virginia according to Neiman (1997). He was the son of William Meriwether Lewis, who was a lieutenant in the Continental Army and died in 1779. His widowed mother, Lucy, married Captain John Marks, who was an Army officer. Lucy was known to be an herb doctor in which intrigued Lewis who later enjoyed plants as Neiman said (1997).…
Dr Charles Nelson Perkins (Charlie Perkins) 16 June 1936 – 19th October 2000 64 years old. Background Dr Charles Perkins was an Australian Aboriginal activist, Soccer player and administrator. Born in Alice springs near Aritunga to a Kalkadoon mother and an Irish father, he was the first ever Aboriginal Australian to graduate from the University of Sydney (Wikipedia, 2017.) Career Milestones The proclaimed Australian Living national treasure began playing Soccer for Port Thistle in Adelaide in 1950 before his talents lead him overseas to trial for Liverpool F.C (Indigenous Australia, 2017).…
Ulysses S. Grant Hiram Ulysses Grant was born on April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, Ohio. He was the first son of Jesse and Hannah Grant. When Grant was younger he was shy, and he kept to himself. As he grew up he was elected the 18th president of the United States. Ulysses was a commanding general who worked with President Lincoln to lead the Union Army to victory over the Confederacy in the Civil War.…
Henry Bibb born in 10 May 1815 in Shelby Country, Kentucky. His father James Bibb was state senator, mother Mildred Jackson was a slave work for Willard Gatewood, so Henry was a slave too, he need work for neighboring farm and his wages were used to pay for a girl to school, because she was the successor of a widower. As a young man, Henry was sold to another man, Mr.Vires. He wasn’t a good man, he was very cruelty, so Henry would tried ran away so many days, but every time Mr. Vires would caught him but he never gave up.…
Logan Burkhamer Dr. Shadden Cobb/ Mrs.Stout ELA/SS 8 May 2017 Horace Greeley Was Horace a big part in the radical republicans. Horace Greeley was born on February 3, 1811 in Amherst N.H. He died in the U.S on November 29, 1872 in New York.…
Anthea Fisher Mr. Telles English 1 Honors 15 November 2015 I. Introduction A. Theodore Roosevelt was a very bright person who became involved in politics. He became the 26th and youngest president of the United States. II. Personal Information A.…
Theodore Roosevelt "Nothing in this world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well”. Theodore Roosevelt was an American politician, writer, naturalist, and soldier. Born in 1858, he became governor of New York in 1899, fought in the Spanish-American war in 1898, and became president after William McKinley died in 1901.…
Jazmine Alexander Teacher Mrs. Tracey Villanueva College Transition 28 November 2016 Millard Fillmore Millard Fillmore once said, “Nations, like individuals in a state of nature, are equal and independent, possessing certain rights and owing certain duties to each other.” Millard Fillmore always thought that everyone was suppose to have the same respect. He showed this throughout his whole presidency. What would have been different if he had not been president?…
Theodore Roosevelt had a rough start in his early life in his hometown of Manhattan, New York City in October 27, 1858. Theodore looked up to Theodore Sr. and Martha “Mittie” Roosevelt his parents. Roosevelt’s parents were very wealthy, Theodore Sr. was a businessman and philanthropist. Martha was a Southerner, she grew up in George on a farm. Roosevelt grew up surrounded by the love of his parents and siblings he looked up to his whole family.…
John Dewey and William E.B. Du Bois are the 20th century philosophers that imparted unique contributions to education and the American society as a whole. John Dewey (1859-1952) and Du Bois (1868-1967) grew up in a time that the U.S progressed from a predominantly rural and agricultural economy to an industrial and technological society. Also, they lived the changes brought by Civil War, World War I, World War II, and the Cold War with Soviet Union. Dewey progressive philosophy was to embedded school in the society and not isolate from it.…
The life of Jefferson Davis, is an iconic American story, about military service, government leadership, and the establishment of the Confederate States of America. However, prior to the civil war, Jefferson Davis was a war hero that served a prestigious political career. If the South never succeeded from the Union, history would have remembered Jefferson Davis as a person that was a great political administer, and decisive war hero who proudly served the American Government. However, after Mississippi seceded from the Union, Jefferson Davis resigned from political office, believing that each state had an unquestionable right to secede from the Union.…