Medicare: A Case Study

Improved Essays
The healthcare ecosystem is dynamic in its ability to effectively use data technology and health information processing in a seamless exchange. Besides facilitating favorable patient and provider outcomes, improving quality of life and access to services. Healthcare providers have better methods to manage and maintain cost-efficient services. Medicare is a government-funded program that provides a significant impact on today's healthcare ecosystem. It provides health coverage for adults who are 65 years or older, people with disabilities of no specific age, and people suffering from permanent kidney failure that requires dialysis or a renal transplant (“What's Medicare?” n.d.). Various components of Medicare cover specific services. Medicare Part A pays for hospital stays, hospice and nursing care. Medicare Part B includes doctors' and preventive services and Medicare Part D offers prescription medication coverage (“What's Medicare?” n.d.).

Medicare impacts licensure, certification or accreditation standards of agencies and providers by using strict guidelines. Medicare Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) developed Conditions of Participation (CoPs). CoPs are regulatory guidelines for health and safety standards. Healthcare organizations must meet and follow these rules to take part in the Medicare program. The need for licensure by
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As a result, HIM professionals collect and report valuable data. As healthcare has changed, the health information managers' responsibilities have changed as well. The quick development and introduction of "new and existing information sources to recognize chances to enhance delivery and safety of healthcare. The ability to measure and compare quality and patient safety and even to link reimbursement with quality-of-care" are contributory factors that may additionally ease evidence-based applications (Spath, 2009, p.

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