Jayquan is not currently on any form of juvenile supervision but he has been on juvenile probation in Chesapeake for an assault and battery charge in 2013. His case was closed to services on November 23, 2014, when he completed a period of probation, completed an anger management program, completed 25 hours of community service work and paid restitution. Jayquan also has a Learner’s Permit violation in Portsmouth on April 5, 2014. He was ordered to complete 15 hours of community service work which he did on April 13, 2015. Jayquan is currently an adult and being held in the Chesapeake Correctional Center for charges in Chesapeake of Concealed Weapon (2 counts), Receiving Stolen Firearm, and Possession of Marijuana.…
Thus mathematics teachers at every level could create exciting courses in what I call “citizen statistics. ”(Hacker) School could even make it an extra activity at school. Math is not made for everyone and it is not right to put everyone through…
Being an assistant district attorney is a very persistent and distinguished job that holds a plethora of important responsibilities. Assistant district attorneys (ADAs) represent their district attorney whereas the district attorney is elected or appointed most of the time by voters or appointed by the chief executive depending on the system in place. The basic job description of an ADA is, “An assistant district attorney, also called a deputy district attorney, or prosecutor, represents the people of the county he works at by determining if somebody faced with criminal charges has enough evidence to justify opening a case against him or her. In this regard, he will seek jail or prison time if the defendant is found guilty.” (lawcrossing.com).…
Federal probation officers help offenders reenter society by directing them towards helpful resources and supervising them in the community. They pursue education in areas such as psychology and criminal justice and find it rewarding to keeping the public safe while helping offenders reform. The officers use scientific methods, experience and training to predict risks and to identify ways to reduce recidivism. The need for these professionals is increasing as American legislators look for more efficient crime management methods.…
Though we often think that math to be a kind of natural trait,…
Math is used all over the world in our everyday lives a lot yet not a lot of people notice it. Math is used in baseball when calculating a player’s batting average, a pitcher’s earned run average, and by calculating a player’s on base percentage to see if he will get on base or…
I additionally feel that I would be a good fit as a Probation and Parole Officer because I have strong verbal communication skills and I am able to main relationships, outside of school and work I am an easy person to talk to and I listen to each problem and give my honest advice. I would have to go to university after completing the Public and Private program. I would either attend York or Ryerson and achieve a degree in criminology as this is one of the few degree’s that are accepted for becoming a Probation and Parole Officer. I would also have to practice and get better with my written skills as I am not the best at forming my ideas on paper as clear as I would like it. I would also focus on conflict resolution as I would have to learn…
Probation in Juveniles Through the court systems in the United States there is a major mash and mix up between the juvenile court system and the adult court system. More than 70,000 juveniles were incarcerated in youth prisons or detention in 2010. Case studies show that more than 500,000 juveniles are taken to confinement centers every year. Not including the juveniles who by pass the detention center and make their way into the adult court system where they are later tried.…
You succinctly described why, if given the option, you would elect a position as a Probation Officer. As you noted, the position would enable you to positively affect not just probationers but also your community. With the increase of mental illness in our society, it certainly will take someone with a strong faith and genuine love for the profession to want to be a Probation Officer. Too often, the Criminal Justice System has turned to incarceration rather than rehabilitation. Therefore, Probation Officers are on the front lines of that tricky time of re-entry when so many things can go right or wrong for an offender.…
California’s realignment has affected both probation and parole directly. “Every day we get guys who show up in the lobby, stoned out of their mind. I’ll have 15 arrested, and 12 to 14 will be released immediately. We are completely impotent,” said by a parole officer (John 3). Majority of parolees are released early can bring some bad consequences.…
Most of my life I have dreamt of helping people. I love to do things to better people not only as an individual but as a community. Seeing a smile on people face gives my comfort and warms my heart. I thing growing up with a natural instinct to be nurturing has a lot to do with why I am this way. My career goal is to become a successful juvenile correctional officer.…
The job I would like to see the responsibilities of would be the Juvenile Probation Officer. I think they have a really fun and exciting day, dealing with all the kids that have misbehaved. I would really like the job of just keeping care of kids, since the officers are adults and the kids are, you could say, violent and dishonest I believe it would make for an entertaining day. I have been in prison, not being arrested, of course, and it looks like it would be a cool place to work in. I’ve seen some shows and they have a lot of trouble with the kids they are taking care of, and I just want to see it with my own eyes, and ask some of the officers if it really is that dangerous.…
PBL Blended Career Activity Mathematician Individual Group Work: Description of Career: Mathematicians conduct research to develop their understanding of mathematical principles, and through this, they can apply mathematical techniques to everyday world problems in order to come up with alternative ways to solve those problems which eventually lead to a new solution that can possibly benefit you and the world around you. Mathematics are used everyday, no matter the career, whether it be in business to calculate your company's sales and projections or for any science career (especially physics), to have the ability to create solutions that can improve your understanding on how the world works. Even the government requires mathematicians.…
There are a wide variety of human service agencies that are supporting the welfare of children, young adults, single parents, and families as a whole. One of the human services that support young adults is Juvenile Probation. Juvenile probation is one of the _______ for young adults who have been charged with crimes in juvenile court. Juvenile probation differ from state it can also differ between jurisdictions within a state. Although, some policies may be different the basic career description are the same.…
My preferred choice is pharmacy. I am not only passionate about taking care of the others ,but also broadening my scientific knowlege. Pharmacy is always a first choice when people feel unwell. Therefore,I realised how much a pharmacist has an impact on a person's life. Throughout my college life,I found chemistry the most interesting subject which requires logical thinking and abilities follow the instructions when it comes to conduct practical experiments.…