Julia drifted through Math, she drifted through English, and then she drifted to Biology. She had turned off her mind, thinking of nothing. Nothing was easier than something, because something always ended up being her mother and when she was going to get angry next. She sat in her usual seat and stared at the whiteboard with dull eyes. The equations scribbled on it blurred together until the whole thing just looked like one big smear.
Then out of nowhere, something gripped Julia’s wrist and began pulling her. She shot out of her seat and ripped her hand out of that warm grip, her heart racing. Julia saw Marisol standing beside her, mouth set into a hard line. “Marisol!” …show more content…
Marisol shone so brightly right then. She burned hotter than a supernova. She was so bright that even Julia couldn’t consume her light.
Without a word to the teacher, Marisol marched her to the guidance counselor’s office. The door was closed, but Marisol didn’t knock. She just barged in, black hair streaming behind her. The counselor was talking to someone, but with one look at Marisol’s eyes she dismissed the student. Marisol thrust Julia in front of her. “Tell her, Julie,” Even though her eyes were fierce, her voice trembled like she couldn’t bear to even say it aloud.
Julia turned her cheek and pointed to the purple bruise marring it. “My mom did this,” she murmured. Before anyone could say anything else, Julia sat down in one of the chairs placed in the office. Gingerly, she slipped off her sneaker and peeled off her sock, revealing the bandage she had wrapped around it. She unraveled the strip of cloth to reveal the wounds on her foot. “She threw a glass at me. She missed but I stepped on it.”
Julia slowly revealed all of the old bruises, scabs, and scars. Soon a police officer was called; they tried to make Marisol leave but Julia wouldn’t let her.
She retold the story and answered his questions. “We’ll get you out of there,” he