Marimbas Del Infienro And Polvo Analysis

Superior Essays
Julio Hernández Cordón’s films Marimbas Del Infierno and Polvo reflect the neoliberal period in Guatemala by illustrating how the profound digressions from the period of nationalism affected everyday life. During the nationalist era of the early to mid 20th, Guatemala gained a strong sense of national identity All things traditional and national became popular. The onset of the neoliberal period, however, would drastically change many of these consistencies. The effects of these changes are clearly illustrated in Marimbas Del Infienro and Polvo. Individuals were burdened with profound ambiguities as they lost a sense of belonging and function in society. Guatemala gained a clear sense of national identity during the period of nationalism. At their core, nationalists believed that every citizen of their country belonged.. In addition, there was no longer any desire to remain in close relation with the US and/or other European super powers. World War I showed Latin American countries that they weren’t as inferior to the rest of the world as many thought, and people became proud of where they were from. There was great pride to be generated from a dependent country and that was not reliant on other dominant countries. In Guatemala, the marimba symbolized this growing sense of national identity and pride. Throughout the early 1900s, it slowly became the instrument of the state as it was showcased during many official state functions. The National Police and each of Guatemala’s military barracks had their own marimba groups. In addition, the marimba had great significance in the informal sector. It had a strong presence in nightlife, as it could draw large crowds of people who would come listen and dance to its music. In many ways, this transformation of the marimba parallels that changes that occurred in Guatemala during the period of nationalism. The people found commonalities between their beliefs, interests, and belonging. At the end of the day, they were all Guatemalans, who belonged in Guatemala, doing Guatemalan things. However, the certainties of this shared culture would soon be shattered by the realities of the neoliberal period. The neoliberal period halted all progression towards cultural nationalism. Instead of aiming to be independent, Latin American countries began to take in large sums of foreign capital and goods. Guatemala became less invisible to the rest of the world and was introduced to many elements of western culture. A large increase in Protestantism was observed and many cultural ideals began to change. People’s interest in music started to diversify, and the presence of foreign corporations and entities wasn’t viewed as negatively as it was in the past. To compensate for these changes, the government severely cut spending towards programs that helped the poor. This partly led to an explosion of the informal sector, which in turn disrupted the conventions of the day-to-day lives of many Guatemalans. In addition, the national police presence diminished, and poorer communities were often times forced to handle issues independently with no intervention from the state. These neoliberal qualities can be seen in the films. Whether it is Alfonso in Marimbas Del Infierno …show more content…
Much of this can be attributed with the effects of the rise of neoliberalism. However, these conditions that the characters were dealt with (due to neoliberal progression) caused them come into contact with people they normally wouldn’t interact with. Don Alfonso lost his family and would eventually team up with young man from the slums who just escaped prison and a gynecologist who plays guitar in a metal band. On the other hand, Juan spends much of his time searching for his father with a young couple from the city who attempt to produce independent documentaries. It is these unlikely groupings of people that allow hopefulness to be maintained. The members of Marimbas Del Infierno did not have a lot outside of the band, and were able to lean on each other in times of failure. Juan, after building a relationship with the young couple, was able to reach out to Ignacio for help to build his new home, the thing that was giving him hope for the future. This period fostered an environment of entrepreneurship and comradery that helped Guatemalans combat and cope with the many negative side effects of

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