Macbeth's Foil

Superior Essays
At some, eventual point in everyone’s life, people start to have questions concerning the direction their future is heading towards. Will their future contain happiness and prosperity, or will it contain misery and sorrow? Most people do not know what will happen in the future; due to this uncertainty, a label is formulated that is known as destiny. Destiny is a fairly controversial and idealistic word that is used to describe fate, or one’s inevitable future. The idea that life follows a linear, prematurely set path that outlines one’s entire existence allows people to relinquish a responsibility, and that reassurance can be quite compelling. The character of Macbeth is a loyal disciple of the idea of fate and destiny, who undergoes an internal …show more content…
It should be no wonder that Macduff is Macbeth’s greatest foe, as they share so many similar yet polar qualities. As one of the first people to notice the transparency of Macbeth’s innocence in the killing of King Duncan, Macduff presents himself as a determined, loyal, and brilliant noblemen of Scotland, who will eventually defend his country against tyranny. By calling for the help of England to overthrow Macbeth, Macduff gives “faithful homage and… free honors” to the men of Scotland as he proves his loyalty to the homeland (3.6.36). Macduff even is presented as a spiritual foil of Macbeth when the witches warn Macbeth to “beware Macduff”, and that he will fall to “none of woman born”, (4.1.69-70;79). Macbeth obviously freaks out over the news and swears to kill Macduff and his family, which he does. This clarifies the two as sworn mortal enemies, as Macbeth has killed Macduff’s family and Macduff is prophesied to kill Macbeth. They even share the first half of their names as a symbol of a philosophical connection. Macduff even convinces Malcolm to fight against Macbeth’s “bloody, luxurious, avaricious, false, deceitful, sudden, malicious” rule (4.3.57-59). Throughout the rest of the play, Macduff proves to be a leading factor in the battle against Macbeth, as he is determined to return the crown to its rightful owner. Macduff even brings about the witches prophecy into reality with the impossible task of moving Birnam wood. When Macbeth and Macduff finally have their showdown, Macbeth is shocked to have discovered that “Macduff was from his mother’s womb untimely ripped” (5.8.15-16). This ultimate discover not only cements Macbeth’s inevitable end, but also strengthens the yin-yang foils of the two characters. Through prophecy and polar characteristics, the characters of Macbeth and Macduff have never been more

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