Mac stole a sheep from the shepherds after casting a sleeping spell. The shepherd’s went to his house and found his wife Gil holding a baby. Little by little the “baby” started sounding and looking like a sheep by making sheep noises, having a long snout, horns, and had a mark on its ear (WakeField,17-18). The gift the shepherds gave the sheep was a sixpence. The meaning for that was people needed money because they lived in harsh times and money was needed to survive. The angel came to the shepherds to lead them to baby Jesus. When they arrive to Bethlehem they go to see baby Jesus at the darn. Jesus was laying in the cradle which represented the Lamb of God. The gifts were cherries, a bird, and a ball which the shepherds brought him. The cherries represented Jesus is the fruit of Mary’s womb. The bird represented the Holy Spirit. The ball represented the orb of power domain of world.
At the end, both stories coincide with each other. Part one of the play was about the need for a savior and had no hope. The time the shepherds were living in was very harsh and social turmoil. This is why the shepherds gave the sheep/boy a sixpence. Mac was a godless man. Part two of the play was about the savior who was coming and that there is hope and salvation. The gifts represented Mary the mother of God, the Holy Spirit whose anyways with Jesus, and the orb of power that governs overall. The sheep represented