“Began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling” Jack took the become one with the pray saying too literally and became animal like. "I painted my face—I stole up. Now you eat—all of you—and I” Jack shows leadership here but not the type of leadership the tribe needed. Jack had the strength but not the brains to be a leader. All he thinks about is gaining power. The wanting of power led to Jack making his own tribe that is savage like. Lord of the Flies is often looked about as civilization versus savagery and this is how civilization wins over savagery. Like in today’s world there are people like Obama who is civil and then there are people like Kim Jong Un who are savages who only care about themselves and want power. Even parents versus children would be like civilization versus savagery. The parents are teaching the kids to be civil, but the kids would want to have more power than just freedom of speech and they want to be
“Began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling” Jack took the become one with the pray saying too literally and became animal like. "I painted my face—I stole up. Now you eat—all of you—and I” Jack shows leadership here but not the type of leadership the tribe needed. Jack had the strength but not the brains to be a leader. All he thinks about is gaining power. The wanting of power led to Jack making his own tribe that is savage like. Lord of the Flies is often looked about as civilization versus savagery and this is how civilization wins over savagery. Like in today’s world there are people like Obama who is civil and then there are people like Kim Jong Un who are savages who only care about themselves and want power. Even parents versus children would be like civilization versus savagery. The parents are teaching the kids to be civil, but the kids would want to have more power than just freedom of speech and they want to be