They believe they are ‘chosen people’ and believe that is is their duty to remain obscured by the world around them. Remaining separate from the world allows them to not become like the outsiders and to focus on their true duties as Christians. The reason the Amish are Anabaptist is because they believe that a person within the community should not become baptized until they are at peak of adulthood. Mennonite and Amish are similar in that they both believe that one should not be baptized until they are an adult, but they disagree on the extent of their religious worship. For example, the Amish practice more actions of shunning and fasting, but the Mennonite have been more accepting to the changes in the outside world; the Mennonite have learned to include new ideas into their practices without forgetting about their previous practices completely. The Amish show no desire to change the world while the Mennonites recognize change and implement it into their daily lives without contradicting their faith. The Amish people are able to keep their community connected and functioning by strictly following the scripture and implementing those traditional practices into their daily …show more content…
They include traditional practices when working on their farms by utilizing their children as help and by growing food for their own family and the community. Helping each other in the community through mutual aid includes benefits all people of the community. They still share crops and tools with each other without money payment, but now they incorporate a market exchange system within their trading. One of the most traditional practices is going to their Sunday services and continuing to baptize adults and not children. Teaching the language to the children and continuing to speak it within communities further develops and enriches the tradition of language. Instead of speaking English like everyone else in America, the Amish keep the part of their culture that allows them to view the world in a different perspective. Overall, the main goal in an Amish community is to teach the young children the traditions and beliefs, and hope that they continue their life within an Amish community. When looking at how the Amish community has been able to maintain their lifestyle with the rapidly modernizing world around them, we can see how the reason they are able to prosper is because they still practice the traditional lifestyle of their ancestors and dedicate their lives to their beliefs. When a person dedicates all their time and effort into preserving their culture and