Literary Devices Used In Animal Farm

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The world around us is slowly crumbling down and us as people will crumble with it. With everyone fighting around us and we are getting manipulated by small and worthless electronics. Almost everyone has access to a cellular device and other electronics. Humans just go with the rhythm of others with no clue of where it could get them. Not many people read books and other literature because of our fancy phones that can have us communicate with friends using social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, etc. People have been getting more incoherent as history moved along. There have been writers who have expressed how they felt about their society as a whole. Authors like George Orwell have used symbolism to express how they felt.
In the story “Animal Farm” George wrote about these animals that overthrew their owner and took the farm for themselves. In the end of the story they end up fighting each other. America has been manipulated by capitalist companies and maybe even our own government.
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Which children will watch because our society is moving from reading to watching and listening. Today’s America is breaking down like in many stories written before like “Lord of The Flies” how the kids started to make a society on the island they get trapped on and the society starts to fall apart with all of the kids fighting each other instead of working together which would be more beneficial and helpful towards their survival. This story is very similar to social media like Instagram. For example, the death of the rapper XXXtentacion went all over Instagram and other social medias. Many people tried to calm down others but after a while people started to go crazy saying he was alive. Everyone was getting confused and The United States went crazy over a celebrity’s death. This brings me to my next point of why no one can save America with

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