Like Water For Chocolate Gender Analysis

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omen have fought wars for their equality for decades and in today’s world women have come a long way, but what about in literature? Are girls in books only meant to further other characters plots and show a certain element? In literature the author has free range to do whatever they want; they can characterize any group of people or kill anyone who has been written in their brain spew of a novel. Now since the author can write anything they want there is nothing holding them back from making fools of a gender. Good examples of these kinds of books are romance novels which have two people fall in love with one another and usually by the end of the book it’s a happy ending. But how are women usually portrayed in these kinds of books? Common themes …show more content…
Mama Elena is one of the only women in this book that is not driven in any way by men. She is a very strong person that other people easily feel intimidated by. In “April” on page 80, Father Ignacio tells Mama she needs a man to defend the house, Mama replies with “I’ve never needed a man for anything; all by myself, I’ve done right with my ranch and my daughters. Men aren’t that important in this life, Father”. Throughout the entire book mama never wanted a mans help; even after her husband died she never felt the need to remarry and have a man by her side. Mama doesn't follow the usual household chores of a woman, she's the patriarchy of the family; which is usually a male role that women are excluded from. When the bandits come to her house she stands her ground and protects her family. The soldiers find her intimidating and leave her house without leaving any harm. Mama isn't the warm and fuzzy type; she never allows any room for excuses or argumentative responses. Mama Elena can almost be considered a stereotypical feminist because she doesn’t ever want the help from a man. Characters like Tita and Rosaura feed off the surreal feeling of want and completion that men provide them with. Mama is the opposite, she dispels those feelings because she doesn't want to come across as weak. She is a strong willed woman that never backs down on what she stands

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