Gertrudis is a feminist character because she is courageous and she overcame stereotypes.
In the beginning of “Like Water for Chocolate”, Gertrudis …show more content…
Throughout the novel, Tita had to overcome Mama Elena, the family tradition, and love. The family tradition states that the youngest daughter does not marry since the child must take care of the mother until she dies. Because Tita is the youngest daughter, she has “to take care of [her mother] until the day [she] die[s]” (Esquivel 10). “For generations, not a single person in [the] family [had] ever questioned this tradition” (Esquivel 11). However, Tita and Pedro had a great love each other, and Tita, being a feminist, was determined to be with him. At one point in the novel, Rosaura insisted loudly upon her rights: “Pedro and Tita had broken the pact; it wasn’t fair” (Esquivel). Although Mama Elena told Tita to stay away from Pedro and allow Rosaura to have a happy marriage with Pedro, Tita rebelled. Tita and Pedro were “sneaking around kissing in every corner” (Esquivel 214). Because Tita tried to be with Pedro even though Pedro is married to her sister, Rosaura, Mama Elena’s ghost haunted and taunted Tita. In order to get rid of Mama Elena’s ghost, Tita spoke up and yelled, “Once and for all, leave me alone. I won’t put up with you! I hate you! I’ve always hated you!” (Esquivel 199). This quotation portrays Tita’s willingness to speak up for