Drugs have been used for thousands of years as a treatment for a variety of ailments. The Greeks used oracles, which were people who took hallucinogens to “predict” …show more content…
It causes an instantaneous euphoria and rush, which intensifies the urge to keep using. The addiction happens almost instantly because the drug configures the brain to seek for more causing erratic, compulsive behavior. “The most recent treatment episode data shows that 15 States have higher rates of admission for amphetamine use, largely meth, than for heroin or cocaine.” (Talcote 13) The effects of methamphetamine are so life changing that even users trying to come off the drug can become sick and even die. Withdrawal can cause suicide, psychosis, depression, and agitation. Amphetamines are a single methylated phenylmethylamine instead of methamphetamine that’s double methylated; although this does not seem like much of a difference, it means a world of change biochemically. Methamphetamines are broken down into amphetamines when detoxified in the body. Amphetamines are commonly used drugs for attention disorders and other mental illnesses. They are wonderful when used in small concentrations and short durations; for example, epinephrine, also known as fight or flight, can be administered to help shock someone from an allergic reaction of any …show more content…
Common symptoms of drug use include red eyes, hair loss, hacking cough, nausea, twitching, extreme dietary habits, etc. Those who make the decision to partake in the activity of consuming drugs will eventually suffer from memory loss and addiction. Consequences vary based on the type and amount of drug and the person that witnesses the wrongdoing. Getting caught by police may mean a lifetime of suffering, including jail time and bail worth an entire life of savings. Parents may be harsher than government officials because not only has the user harmed themselves, but they have betrayed their loved ones. If an administrator of a company witnesses or has evidence of one of it’s employees taking illegal substances, the worker will be fired and reported to the police, making it difficult to get another job with this charge on one’s permanent record. People that play sports professionally may suffer from being suspended or kicked off the team. For instance, a football player from the University of Georgia was suspended from three games for possessing marijuana. Using illegal substances affects more than just one person, it changes the environment and community as well. The fact that one out of every ten Americans use drugs has increased the amount of accidents, such as car fatalities, overdose, and suicide rates, by more than twelve percent (Drug Use Crime, and Incarceration). It has also brought the crime rate to an