In fact Iron found a possible government cover up that involves a lot of evidence and misdeeds against the internment camps (Sitomer). On November 19,1983, Fred Korematsu went back into the supreme courts and asked to reopen his cases. As a result Korematsu found unearthed documents which revealed that the military was not needed to enforce the interments, as well as government decision makers knew at that time and lied about to the supreme court 40 years ago. According to Korematsu, “i didn't think that the government would go as far as to include American citizens” he explains. Korematsu was apologized by an attorney general,Earl Warren. Warren states “ I have deeply regretted the removal order and my own testimony advocating it, because it was not keeping with our American concept of freedom and the rights of citizens….it was a wrong act so impulsively, without positive evidence of disloyalty. Even though we felt we had a good motive in the security of our state.” on account of this reason Korematsu shouldn't have been accused guilty (Bannai). What he states is that Korematsu was wrong, America didn't have their eyes open on what they were doing and Korematsu opened their eyes. Korematsu fought for his rights as well …show more content…
First and foremost, Korematsu Vs United states, is a very different court case which went against the constitution and used false information to accuse the Appellate guilty. Even though Korematsu lost the case he still did a small thing to make a big impact,in 1989 Korematsu was given a Medal of Freedom by Bill Clinton for his continuation to be a powerful activist. As a result of his hard work he has received a day for himself in California, January 30th (Vohra). January 30th is a day to celebrate a person who has not left a message just for his community but for the rest of the country. Korematsu resisted the arrest and fought for his rights which lead to today,where everyone can follow his steps. One of Fred Korematsu famous quotes “It may take time to prove you're right, but you have to stick with it”(Fred Korematsu). What this quote implies is that it might take time to reach a goal, but have the patience and motivation to keep on going. Another example why the Korematsu case was special because it was the first time the united states have separated a group of people. “The experience of Fred Korematsu and many other leaders in the fight for civil rights isn't just a page in the history books for students to remember the wrongs of the past , but a learning opportunity for all of us on how we should treat our neighbors and fellow citizens moving forward”(Vohra). Korematsu did the right job and went against the