Although in today’s society, there are many people that possess a great deal of knowledge, many also are filled to the brim with ignorance. The people of the society in the novel “Fahrenheit 451” are extremely ignorant. For example, in the quote, “’Doesn’t everyone look nice!’ ‘Nice.’ ‘You look fine, Millie!’ ‘Fine.’ ‘Everyone looks swell.’ ‘Swell!’” (Bradbury 89), Millie and her friends are unable to construct real, in-depth conversations due to ignorance. Because of this, they are stuck with awkward small talk with each other, which sadly is normal to them because they are so narrow minded and the topics that their conversations usually consist of are meaningless. Another quote that displays the people’s ignorance of this society is, “So now do you see why books are hated and feared? They show the pores in the face of life” (Bradbury 79). The ignorance in this statement about books is extremely visible. People in the Fahrenheit 451 society are afraid of books because they not only bring out emotions in their readers, but they also show reality. They see facing reality as a problem. As people of this society have these views, they try their hardest to distance themselves from the problems they are faced with instead of simply dealing with them. This would seem like the easy thing to do. It may seem easy to think that ignorance is bliss, but when you look at the facts you see that this is not the case. With knowledge we have more power than we would with ignorance. If the human race continues to use ignorance instead of knowledge, mankind will soon be just a
Although in today’s society, there are many people that possess a great deal of knowledge, many also are filled to the brim with ignorance. The people of the society in the novel “Fahrenheit 451” are extremely ignorant. For example, in the quote, “’Doesn’t everyone look nice!’ ‘Nice.’ ‘You look fine, Millie!’ ‘Fine.’ ‘Everyone looks swell.’ ‘Swell!’” (Bradbury 89), Millie and her friends are unable to construct real, in-depth conversations due to ignorance. Because of this, they are stuck with awkward small talk with each other, which sadly is normal to them because they are so narrow minded and the topics that their conversations usually consist of are meaningless. Another quote that displays the people’s ignorance of this society is, “So now do you see why books are hated and feared? They show the pores in the face of life” (Bradbury 79). The ignorance in this statement about books is extremely visible. People in the Fahrenheit 451 society are afraid of books because they not only bring out emotions in their readers, but they also show reality. They see facing reality as a problem. As people of this society have these views, they try their hardest to distance themselves from the problems they are faced with instead of simply dealing with them. This would seem like the easy thing to do. It may seem easy to think that ignorance is bliss, but when you look at the facts you see that this is not the case. With knowledge we have more power than we would with ignorance. If the human race continues to use ignorance instead of knowledge, mankind will soon be just a