I believe Knight will win in a battle with a samurai. According to the videos and documents we went through in class Knight contain many advantages in a battle. Knights trained since children in combat and were given armor that will protect from arrows and swords. They focused on battle and belief and were loyal as well as smart. While knights and samurai have many similarities, in a one on one battle, the advantages would be to the knights and this can be seen in training, belief/code, leader's, weapons and armor! Even the way they saw death. The first way that knights have an advantage was in weapons/armor and thought of death. In document D written by Terry Bennett (DBQ project) it explains “As more powerful weapons such as crossbows and longbows became common, chain mail was no longer sufficient protection… knights began to wear complete suits of plate armor, constructed by metal”. This statement explains how knights were fully protected with strong metal …show more content…
In document E written by Sir Thomas Malory (DBQ Project) it claims “With great ceremony each (knight) took vows… always to be courteous and helpful to ladies..” This textual reference is an example of the difference the knight had from samurai. |Since having a ceremony they feel honor and purpose to fight for more than their lord but there overall image. Also bring courteous to ladies shows their respect unlike samurai and in battle respecting your opponent, no matter who, is a wise choice. Also a piece of evidence that supports the claim is in document B (DBQ project) it suggest “ The life of a samurai was not his own by belonged entirely to his lord.” This statement explains a samurai's disadvantage, it shows how samurai had no control over their life unlike knights. In battle this is better for a knight because there more mentally healthy knowing there life is up to them and no one else can make it