On 2-3-2016 Amanda Zgrabik was arrest for Domestic violence and endangering children. It was determined while Christopher Lytle Amanda’s son was in her care he consumed her prescription medication. Amanda stated to Officer’s she believed Christopher ingested marijuana. Officer’s located Thomas at the Emergence room with Christopher. Staff at the Emergence room advise the Christopher’s blood work tested positive for Benzodiazaping, not THC.…
During Adnan Syed’s case, his lawyer was Christina Gutierrez. Christina Gutierrez is known as “one of the Baltimore area's most ferocious criminal defense lawyers”, however, she lost Adnan’s trial. Gutierrez had valid points and was very determined but did that serve Adnan justice? Gutierrez was known as “a pit bull on the pant leg of case, but justice.” Even though Gutierrez is a star lawyer, but some negative factors might have affected the result of the trial.…
Mrs. Nalley is a 82 year old female who presented to the ED via LEO under IVC for alleged homicidal ideation with several plans to cut her granddaughter's throat and shoot her other granddaughter. Before the assessment the petitioner, Her son James, of the IVC was contacted. He reports relational conflict with his mother and the family has been going on for a while. James reports his mother believes people are stealing her things. He states, "She things somebody done stole her gun."…
Each court case detailed by Krakauer, in my opinion, can be seen as intergroup conflict in which the larger community in-group such as government officials such as Kirsten Pabst, and Grizzly fans try to legitimize their claims against the “out group” of sexual assault victims and their victim advocates in order to threaten the out group’s validity and distinctiveness (Tajfel & Turner 1985). One instance where this group-divide is present both before and after the proceedings is in the case of Kelsey Belnap. After agreeing to hang out with her friend Betsey Fremont, Belnap is immediately put in an awkward situation where she is at a party of people she doesn’t know, and doesn’t feel comfortable with. Even though she was apprehensive, Belnap…
Ms. Clover will probably not be able to prove the Ms. Austin is the owner or keeper of the dog. Ms. Clover must prove that Ms. Austin was the keeper of the dog Trixie at the time of the bite. Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 140, § 155 (West).…
The mother contended that the probate judge should have dismissed the department’s petition because the department did not have legal custody of her daughter because G.L. c. 119, § 23A was unconstitutional, due to the fact that she was never afforded a hearing, when the department first took custody of her daughter. Id. The court went on to say that, “the fact that a mother is incarcerated, signals a higher likelihood of risk of danger to the welfare of a newborn infant”. 421 N.E. 2d 28, 33. There have been no other constitutional challenges to G.L. c. 119, § 23A. Like this case, our case is not about the unfitness of the appellant; our case is more focused on the long-term health, development, mobility, and education of the child.…
“ Even if it is ‘likely’ or ‘probable’ that she committed the murder, she must be acquitted. The standard is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. ”(Dershowitz, WSJ) In 2008, Casey Anthony, mother to 3 year old Caylee Anthony, stepped into the public eye for being suspected of the disappearance of her daughter. Casey’s mother and father, George and Cindy Anthony, questioned their daughter’s ability to be a fit mother.…
Historical Setting In a 1966 amendment to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the federal government began providing financial aid to states that provided education for children with disabilities. The program evolved into the Education of the Handicapped Act (EHA) of 1970. After a couple of lawsuits and an updated Act, the government determined that students with disabilities had the right to public education, and parents had the right to participate in the process (Wright, 2010). Amy Rowley, a first-grader with an auditory impairment, and her family filed suit against her school district in the Federal District Court after the New York Commissioner of Education affirmed the school district’s decision to refuse a sign-language interpreter.…
The Casey Anthony and the O.J Simpson case received major media attention. During the O.J. Simpson trial, the American people and the people from other countries took a major interest in the trial of a man who had high celebrity status. The outrageous interest by the viewing public lead many news sources to give updates regarding the case. The extensive media coverage on the O.J. Simpson case helped alter the outcome of the trial. One way the media affected the O.J. Simpson trial the most was by making the trial a race issue.…
Case Study 11.2 The relevant code section pertaining to Duane’s question would be 26 USC 222 of the U.S. Code. The qualified tuition and related expenses sections applies to the situation. Duane would be able to deduct all of his class expenses as long as they did not exceed certain thresholds based upon his income. The court decision in Singleton-Clarke v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue stated that Singleton was allowed to deduct her educational expenses because they furthered her skills in her current career.…
On the 13th of July 2015, Sandra Bland a 28-year-old black African American was discovered hanging in a cell. Police officials have ruled the death of Sandra Bland as a suicide. However, black citizens refuse to believe this claim. Black citizens accuse the police of racially and sexually abusing Sandra Bland. Three days prior, Sandra Bland was stopped by the police officer Brian Encinia over a minor traffic incident.…
I decided to do option #2 major case observation and analysis. The online case I decided to do my research on was the Jodi Arias case. I believe the reason I picked this case over the others was this case was very interesting to me. Sure the O.J. Simpson case was a big one, but we all know he got away with murder. The George Zimmerman’s case didn’t last that long, and I felt that I would just find the same information in my research.…
Often times, people think of hospitals as lifesaving places where miracles happen. however, this is not always the case. There are cases where patients’ deaths occur due to medical errors. Medical error can be defined as a preventable harm to the patients that resulted from medical professionals’ negligence. One of these cases is the story of Jessica Santillan.…
The mind is malleable and can therefore not be used as a mental recorder, said Lesley Stahli. There has been no truer statement, a person’s recognition of visual perception can be altered by the smallest of stimuli. In the video jennifer Thompson, a rape victim, wrongly accused a man named Ronald Cotton as her attacker under the claim of having seen the attacker. She was even sat in front of her real attacker but still looked at Mr.cotton. Over 75% of people accused by eye witnesses were wrongly accused.…
Question 3 When pricing for Lena, Maria Lopez has several elements she needs to consider such as the cost to produce the product, the amount of waste after packaging, the value to customers, and the competitor’s prices. After evaluating these elements, it would seem reasonable for Lopez to charge 38 dollars or perhaps even more for a hardwood powder-based coating. According to MarketingMO, one of the first steps in a pricing strategy is to match the price to the value proposition. In this case, Lena offers endless benefits to the consumer which other liquid-based coatings cannot compete with. For instance, the product is more durable, attractive, has higher quality, comes in clear or opaque, and contains very small amounts of volatile organic…