Kc Cole Women In Science Analysis

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“Women in Science” “Women in Science,” written by K.C. Cole was published in December 1981 in The New York Times Magazine. In the article Cole’s primary argument is that the lack of women in field is the cause of the negative effects that the science label bestows upon women. The evidence “I didn’t realize what an odd creature a woman interested in physics” (Line 7). The authors tone presents the confusion as to why there is a displacement with women in this field. The author vaguely implies her friends personal experience and highlights the consequences of her having a science major. She ended up using her science scholarship to transfer to an English major instead. Due to the isolation of her male peers as she’s calls the “macho mores” of science (Paragraph 12). Her friends - both boys and girls - warned her that she shouldn 't be good at math: ' 'You 'll never find a boy who likes you ' ' …show more content…
“My 7-year-old daughter doesn’t seem to be much interested in science” (Paragraph 3) solidifies this claim. Cole also presents the Nova Programs information of the documentary “The Pinks and Blues” to further examine how boys and girls are treated differently from birth (Paragraph 7). 'By the time we get to electricity, the boys already have had some experience with it. But it 's unfamiliar to the girls. ' ' Science books draw on boys ' experiences (Paragraph 7). The difference between the primary and the secondary argument is that the primary is the general synopsis of the argument, while the secondary argument shows the evidence to back it up. The strategies which Cole uses to persuade her audience would be the claims of cause and effect. The cause is the different treatment boys and girls have during childhood, is the effect of why the abridgement in Science when it comes to

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