Juveniles In The Criminal Justice System

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As long as people have been able to govern themselves, there has been a system of discipline to those who do not follow the rules. From Victorian execution to modern solitary confinement, the justice system has seen some pretty drastic reform. In 1948, juvenile detention facilities were added in to the criminal justice system. (Muncie) The system has since undergone several reforms to make it what it is today. Throughout all the reform, one commonality has always remained; that is the use of “shock-discipline” (Muncie). Detention facilities are meant to shock adolescents into behaving in a desirable manner. Criminal justice is designed to redirect criminals through punishment. This process becomes extremely important when it comes to the youth. …show more content…
Instead of learning how to finish high school and function in the labor force, they are taught to walk in single file lines and walk without shoe laces. Incarcerated youth pay for their crimes with their own precious time. This is the time of their lives that a person discovers what it is to be a person, discovers their values, their place in society. Juveniles in detention centers are not provided with resources to help them figure these things out. Barry Holman and Jason Ziedenburg of the Justice Policy Institute say that, “[a]t best, detained youth are physically and emotionally separated from the families and communities who are the most invested in their recovery and success. Often, detained youth are housed in overcrowded, understaffed facilities—an environment that conspires to breed neglect and violence.” (Holman, Ziedenburg 2). Instead of being provided with programs to rehabilitate delinquent youth, they are instead put into an environment where they are “neglected,” as the Justice Policy Institute states. As a result, a juvenile’s likelihood of graduating high school decrease by as much as thirty-nine percent. Not only this, but their likelihood of being incarcerated as an adult increase as much as forty-one percent. (Muncie) If programs can be implemented in these facilities, then these kids and teens can be educated and …show more content…
When all other attempts for correction have failed, then detention facilities may be an option for particularly problematic youth. The problem is, detention facilities are used to liberally in the disciplinary process. Counseling, classes, probationary periods, and alternative schools are just a handful of other measures that are often overlooked. Not only are these overlooked, but much smaller crimes often result in incarceration for youth. “Detention centers do serve a role by temporarily supervising the most at-risk youth. However, with 70 percent being held for nonviolent offenses, it is not clear whether the mass detention of youth is necessary—or being borne equally,” (Holman, Ziedenburg 3). Aaryn Rau was a child of the system from ages fourteen to eighteen. “I think my most ridiculous charge was truancy. I did almost three months for not going to school,” Aaryn said. She served a sentence alongside drug dealers and sexual predators, being treated the same for a crime as small as not going to school. She officially dropped out of high school upon being released. “I felt that I fell too far behind at that point. I know I could’ve graduated had I not been arrested for a few ditched classes.” While people believe that detaining a teen for truancy will motivate them to go to school, it actually does the opposite as the teen feels so left behind from their stay in the detention

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