Judicial Branch Pros And Cons

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What if we lived in a world with laws that made it seem like there was no point to the Constitution? The Judicial Branch has powers just like the other two branches. The Judicial Branch is all about the courts. The First Congress established the Supreme Court. The Judicial Branch is the branch that acquires the Supreme Court. Within the Supreme Court there is the power of Judicial Review. Some people may think that the Supreme Court should not have the power of Judicial Review. The Supreme Court should keep the power of Judicial Review because, we need someone to enforce the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land, and neither Congress or the Executive Branch should acquire this power.
The Judicial Branch is all about the Supreme Court
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Madison. According to www.uscourts.gov and the U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Court can declare acts of the Legislative Branch and the Executive Branch unconstitutional. This is called Judicial Review. For example, if someone comes to court stating that the Legislative Branch or the Executive Branch has done something that violates the U.S. Constitution, then the Supreme Court can talk, argue, and vote on whether or not the Legislative Branch or the Executive Branch has indeed, done something unconstitutional. The US Courts Website states that Judicial Review started in the case of Marbury v. Madison in 1803. In this case, the court had to decide if an act of Congress or the Constitution was the Supreme Law of the Land. Since Article VI of the U.S. Constitution confirms the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land, the court held that any act of Congress that goes against the Constitution cannot withstand. In later cases, the court also established its ability to take down laws by the states found to be unconstitutional. Although, some people think that the Supreme Court should not have the power of Judicial Review, I

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