Why Is The United States Constitution A Contract?

Improved Essays
The United States Constitution is not a contract because is the supreme law of the land. Which means it was written to bring order and structure. Order is the first reason why the constitution is not a contract due to its two influences: government staying alive and the tyranny of the majority. Then the second reason why they united states constitution is not a contract because it was created to have a structure in the government. The third reason that United States Constitution is not a contract due to ratification process from the Article VII. Thus, the United States Constitution is not a contract because it was created to bring order, structure, and the ratification process.
The first reason that the United States Constitution is not a
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Calhoun states, “Without this, it is as impossible to lay any solid foundation for the science of government” (3). So the constitution was written to design to structure and lay down the foundation of a government. It starts off how the Legislative branch would look like. The Legislative branch consists of two parts: The House of Representatives and the Senate. The House of Representatives is composed of members that were elected by the people from their home state, and it consisted of the number of people living there. Then the Senate is composed of two members from each state who are elected by the House of Representatives. Actually, the House of Representatives can be described as the democrats and the senate as the republicans due to their similar ideas. In this branch, their job is to make laws that will help the people of The United States. Then the second branch of government is the Executive. According to the Constitution, it states, “The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. “ As well it has the vice president and their cabinet members. In other words, everyone’s job in this branch is to enforce the law. Finally, the third branch of government is the Judicial Branch, which the Supreme Court. In this court, their duty is to interpret the law. Besides the branches …show more content…
In Article VII of the Constitution, it states, “The Ratification of the Conventions of nine states shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same”. This means, that in order for this Constitution to be passed it just needed nine states to agree. Therefore, according to the signatures at the end of this document, it shows that Rhode Island was the only one that did not sign it. A contract is an agreement in which everyone who is involved must agree upon, and by then to make sure that anyone agree they must have signed their name on the document. So the United States Constitution is not a contract because not everyone who was involved in this process sign the paper. Even though Article VII states that it only need nine states to agree upon, which in other words is the rule of the majority and not a

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