In Joseph J. Ellis’s “Founding Brothers The Revolutionary Generation” there is a look into the incredible minds and allows us to contemplate whether their true intention was democracy or something else. After the inquiry of each of their minds, it is easy to determine that their intentions was not a democracy, but a republic instead. In fact, in all works of our founding fathers including, the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Articles of Confederation, America is never referred to as a “democracy” but instead is always referred to as “republic”. In today’s America the terms “democracy” and “republic” are used interchangeably, even though they do not mean the same thing. In spite of this, America is now looked at as a true democracy, even though this was not intended by our
In Joseph J. Ellis’s “Founding Brothers The Revolutionary Generation” there is a look into the incredible minds and allows us to contemplate whether their true intention was democracy or something else. After the inquiry of each of their minds, it is easy to determine that their intentions was not a democracy, but a republic instead. In fact, in all works of our founding fathers including, the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Articles of Confederation, America is never referred to as a “democracy” but instead is always referred to as “republic”. In today’s America the terms “democracy” and “republic” are used interchangeably, even though they do not mean the same thing. In spite of this, America is now looked at as a true democracy, even though this was not intended by our