This one of the largest directorates of the Joint Staff because the subdivisions that make up this committee includes more than 200 staff members divided between the Joint Secretariat, Joint Staff Comptroller, Joint Staff Support Services Office, and Joint …show more content…
In addition, the Comptroller supervises the Quality Management and Internal Management Control programs. Correspondingly, the subgroup arranges the contribution to the Planning, Programing and Budgeting System. The Joint Staff Support Services Office (JSSSO) contributes administrative and logistical guidance. Some direction takes the form of publications management, transportation support, document distribution, etc. The office also provides “supply support, office equipment maintenance, telephone service, parking permit control, and DTS.” The purpose of this office is to assist the Joint Staff in departmental data and menial support. (Directorate of Management) The Joint Staff Security Office provides security services for the joint staff force protection program by establishing and enforcing security procedures. The Department of Defense contains eight of these facilities, one belonging to the Joint Staff. This office also provides both direct security assistance and support to the Joint