William E. Christie is a shareholder/director with Shaheen & Gordon, PA. Mr. Christie defends clients throughout the greater Concord, New Hampshire, area in criminal and civil cases, and he also represents clients in complex civil litigations. Most of his criminal cases involve defending clients charged with federal crimes, including fraud, tax evasion, drug offenses and obstruction of justice. He also has significant experience defending clients with crimes in the state courts, including embezzlement, driving while intoxicated, negligent homicide and environmental offenses. Mr. Christie has obtained favorable outcomes for numerous clients in suits against the federal government, such as a judgment of $3.1 million for the family of an informant…
Edgar Hoover was the head and director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for many years. He was feared throughout the countryside. During his career as director of the FBI, he had found information about every presidential candidate that ran in addition to all of the candidates. All of them would try to get on his good side. Throughout his time as director, Hoover would use illegal wiretaps and warrantless searches, as well as false evidence to get his way.…
Born on January 1, 1895, in Washington, D.C., J. Edgar Hoover was the long-time director of the FBI (1924-1972) and spent much of his career gathering intelligence on radical groups and individuals and "subversives," Martin Luther King Jr. being one of his favorite targets. Hoover's methods included infiltration, burglaries, illegal wiretaps and planted evidence, and his legacy is tainted because of it. He died in Washington, D.C., on May 2, 1972. J. Edgar Hoover was a director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, lawyer, and criminologist. Born January 1, 1895, in Washington, D.C. to Annie Marie Scheitlin Hoover and Dickerson Naylor Hoover.…
J. Edgar Hoover, was born and reside in Washington D.C. January 1, 1895, it appears he was destine, to work in the capital city from birth. Upon completion of school, he began to work and went to law school eventually obtaining both his lower and upper division law degrees prior to working for the Department of Justice. Mr. Hoover went to work for the Department of Justice in 1917, he was a very quick study and became very successfully and began a very rapid and steady ascent through the classes to the assistant to the Attorney General. Once the department was moved under the Bureau of Investigation, his rise continued to Assistant Director to Director. Under the leadership of Hoover the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) became a…
He labeled Martin Luther King “the most dangerous Negro in the future of this nation,” Hoover had individuals following him around twenty-four seven determined to find evidence to use against him. In the fact that COINTELPRO’s tactics were illegal, they were soon revealed to the public in 1971. The agency’s methods included, “infiltration, burglaries, illegal wiretaps, planted evidence, and false rumors leaked on suspected groups and individuals” (Web Bio). J. Edgar Hoover never did retire in the fact that he remained the director until he died in his sleep on May 2, 1972, at the age of…
Introduction Herbert Hoover is often seen as a faulty president, but is there truth behind this statement? One can find that out by looking into his early life, professional life, the presidency, and legacy. Early Life Herbert Clark Hoover was born on August 10, 1874, in West Branch, Iowa. His father was Jesse Clark Hoover, the towns blacksmith, and his mother's name was Hulda Hoover, the town's teacher. His mother was very intelligent.…
“He was brought up in a culture.. in that society there was real sense of belief, a religious belief political belief.. that there was no such thing as equality between blacks and whites, and that's the way he viewed them” Hoover was usually going again the civil rights movement and not giving it much attention to what was originally happening. One of the positive change that J. Edgar Hoover can do to give to the US is the way he has changed the FBI, more towards the Civil Rights movement, and how he has given up on the presidential election from sensitive information. However, Edgar J. Hoover was part of the FBI investigation association and also a used to the federal bureau of investigation lawyer. Also Hoover has helped out the…
The criminal justice system often is examined using political, organizational, or sociological approaches [or lenses] (Pollock, 2010). Asking [simply] whether something is legal [or illegal]…is not necessarily the same question as asking whether something is right [or wrong] (Pollock, 2010). The term “ethics” or “ethical” refers to something “being in accordance with the accepted principles of right and wrong that govern the conduct of a profession.” In the case of police officers, use of discretion, or a lack thereof, in the application of force has direct ethical consequences to which the objectivity of the police officer on scene is subjugated by the subjectivity of a review board after the fact. Actors at every stage in the justice process…
Politics have played a significant role when determining how White America views the black race as a whole. Over the years people have characterized and associated blacks as the criminals and predators of society. They relate blacks to drugs, violence, and crimes. As a result, they enslave and incarcerate blacks. They use their Machiavellian justice system and laws created by them to eliminate or impoverish the black race in the white society.…
“A Few Good Men” as Related to Concepts Learned The film “A Few Good Men” (acquired for the Eiche Library) revolves around the criminal law branch of the court-martial of two U.S. Marines charged with murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and conduct unbecoming a Marine. The storyline shares the trials and tribulations experienced by their lawyers assigned to defend them as they prepare for the case. The film illustrates the various phases of criminal procedure from arraignment, plea bargaining, to the trial itself and depicts the usual cast of courtroom individuals: defendants, Lance Corporal Harold Dawson (Wolfgang Bodison) and Private First Class Louden Downey (James Marshall); defense council, Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee (Tom Cruise),…
The period of c1886-c1926 saw great changes in investigative methods and thus lead to huge development in policing and how crime was dealt with. Such changes include the creation of the CID, and have shown to have more significance than others. For example, the introduction of forensic science enabled police to convict criminals in multiple cases, such as George Joseph Smith and Dr Crippen, rather than the use of telegram which only showed major significance in the Crippen case. A great flaw in 19th century policing regards the very few investigative methods available to detectives at the time.…
The world we live in today is one to be disappointed about in the aspect of America’s law enforcement. Early law enforcement was introduced in the 1800’s in Great Britain. Originally established with the same traits as its military, their purpose was one of great value which involved serving and protecting the people at any cost with a civilized and humane approach. America had since then adopted the law enforcement structure from Great Britain, but ultimately warped the structure into that of their own. The war on drugs in the late 70’s was a huge influence in the decision to push for a more militarized law enforcement; and now we are where we are, America’s policing is structured in a way that was thought to be even more beneficial for the…
ROLE OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROFESSIONAL Criminal justice professional field is wide with differing responsibilities and roles allocated by position and the level of an officer in the criminal justice department. These criminal justice professionals assume/play a key part in guaranteeing law and order to the citizens. This paper outlines the key individual and societal needs that necessitate the roles and responsibilities of a criminal justice professional and their role in serving these needs. Societal Needs…
Leadership is not about the position you hold, or the title on your door or nameplate, leadership is about the actions you take. In a high-risk environment such as law enforcement, the most essential element is competent and confident leadership. With this competent and confident leadership comes the responsibility to lead ethically. Those who possess and demonstrate ethical leadership skills are positioned to promote the ideals of legal as well as managerial professionalism (Ortmeier, Meese, 2010). As an ethical leader, you have assumed the responsibility to not only guide your crew through the good times and the tough times, you are also expected to develop your peers into leaders so that they may one day take your spot, or move on in their…
Decision making in the criminal justice system are met with competing values and interests. These conflicts relate to the determination of what is right or wrong and can be interrupted differently in some situations based upon the culture, changes over time, and on an individual’s upbringing. With this in mind, some decision such as those found in police discretion can be guided by social norms, justice, and personal values, but the police often encounter situations resulting in gray areas. Therefore, laws, training, and agency guidelines and code of conduct are put in place to assist officers in the decisions making process to set specific standards and processes (Gaines & Kappeler, 2011). With this in mind, the ethical and moral principles…