Similarly, Gary Haugen, in his Ted Talk “The hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now”, explains that how violence can create poverty and that how the world is suffering from it. Both speakers have done tremendous amount of work in helping people in need. THESIS STATEMENT: Despite of their different point of views, both talks were fundamentally induced by ethos and pathos; However, Gary Haugen lacked in presenting logos in his talk whereas, Jessica Jackley did not.
Both Jackley and Haugen has a done a fantastic job in presenting the facts of poverty by proving persuasive ethos in their talks. Jackley’s main philosophies (ethos) are that giving charity is not enough and that we have to bring an attitude of change among ourselves to help others. Jackley is the co-founder of, which is a non-profit organization that lends money to small business to start up. Their main source is internet from which they lend money to people who need support in their lives. In her speech , Jackley explains how her organization is helping to form a better future for this people, “Kiva's facilitated more than 150 million dollars, in little 25-dollar …show more content…
Jackley has mentioned a lot of examples of her experiences which she met people from different background and has passion to help them. In her speech, she tells the audience that how she helped to goat herders by lending them a few hundred dollars. She argues that the people did not want charity from her but, they did accept micro loans to reformed what they liked to do. She says, “ I never once was asked for a donation, which had kind of been my mode, right. There's poverty, you give money to help -- no one asked me for a donation. In fact, no one wanted me to feel bad for them at all. If anything, they just wanted to be able to do more of what they were doing already and to build on their own capabilities” (00:07:16-00:08:05). Her argument supports that people do best they do what they like and it is best to give them loans and let them decide how they want to improve themselves. Similar to Jackley, Haugens used a lot of pathos to describe his stories towards violence. In his bitter stories he highlights the violence as the key source of poverty. As a founder of International Justice Mission, he has learned about lots crimes committed in the poverty areas. He argue that despite of all the aids, people still need a better justice system to protect them. He connects poverty with violence by saying that violence is committed more in those areas where