In addition, Jem’s sudden physical maturity also reflected …show more content…
Jem realizes that most people look out for the wellbeing of themselves than of others. This act of self selfishness in Maycomb projects an uneasy feeling towards every adult he knows. Predominantly after Tom’s guilty verdict, did Jem see how horrible it is. When the children went to their neighbors, Miss Maudie, for cake, she tried to soothe over Jem’s feelings of the trial. Miss Maudie ends up doing more harm than good, as she questions Jem’s appreciation over her wise words. They suddenly get into a debacle. Jem retaliates to her comments by saying, “...I always thought Maycomb folks were the best folks in the world, least that 's what they seemed like.” (288). Jem’s negative comment of the town the whole ‘Finch’ name evolved from shows his displeasure in the recents events. He sees how corrupt small, family-tied communities can be. Jem never knew Tom Robinson, but knowing he was wrongfully convicted, Jem stands up for Tom. In To Kill A Mockingbird, another life stereotyped was Mrs. Dubose: an old, frail lady down the road from them. Mrs. Dubose would sputter harsh words at the kids whenever she got the opportunity. One day, though, her negative comments plagued Jem. Mrs. Dubose had insulted Atticus, in which made Jem snap. He went into a rampage and cut down all of her camellia’s. Jem’s punishment for his outburst was to read to her for a month. A little after the month was over, Mrs.