The primarily white and prejudiced jury showed that the town solely cared about the fact that a Black man was accused of raping a White woman. The jury obviously took no account of what really happened, obviously. The trial showed Scout how tough the real world can be on certain people of our society, like Tom, and how lonely people like Boo Radley just need for people to respect them as human beings. Scout learned through her experiences in the Courtroom, and living near Boo
The primarily white and prejudiced jury showed that the town solely cared about the fact that a Black man was accused of raping a White woman. The jury obviously took no account of what really happened, obviously. The trial showed Scout how tough the real world can be on certain people of our society, like Tom, and how lonely people like Boo Radley just need for people to respect them as human beings. Scout learned through her experiences in the Courtroom, and living near Boo