Illusion Vs Reality In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Perception is the lens through which people view the world around them. Some can see the truth buried beneath the surface, while others shake their heads, their eyes too blinded by hate and fear to see the reality of the situation. In the critically-acclaimed novel To Kill a Mocking Bird, written by the masterful Harper Lee, one of the most prevalent themes incorporated within, is the concept of illusion versus reality. Set in a small town in southern Alabama, To Kill a Mocking Bird tells the enthralling tale of a moralistic lawyer named Atticus Finch and his decision to defend a Negro man being prosecuted for allegedly raping a white girl. During the course of this novel, Lee also depicts the mischievous exploits of his children, Jem and Scout, and their gradual transition from innocence to maturity. As the two of them face repercussions from the narrow-minded town of Maycomb for their father’s highly abhorred actions, they begin to see that the line between good and evil is not nearly as clear-cut as it once used to be. Additionally, Jem and Scout learn several essential values such as empathy, fairness and …show more content…
Lee’s theme of illusion versus reality was featured in several instances, from the immediate assumption of Tom Robinson’s guilt, the town’s misconceptions about Mr. Raymond, to Arthur Radley’s horrendous reputation. All of these key experiences were instrumental in helping Jem and Scout comprehend the significance of values such as compassion, prejudice and justice. Furthermore, these ordeals gave them insight into the true character of Maycomb’s citizens. Hidden behind a mask of benevolence and geniality were the real monsters, people who would condemn a man for no fault of his own, other than his incredible misfortunate to be born

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