Theme Of Maturity In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Throughout To Kill a Mockingbird and Their Eyes Were Watching God, the path to maturity is very significant. Jem Finch matures throughout the To Kill a Mockingbird and it helps the audience feel emotions about the events. Janie Crawford’s path to maturity, in Their Eyes Were Watching God, is quite different than Jem’s path. Janie matured in the aspect of love, where as Jem matured in the aspect of life. Jem and Janie’s paths to maturity are very significant to both novels and helps the audience better understand events and feel emotions. A significance to To Kill a Mockingbird is the path Jem Finch takes to mature. We first see signs of Jem maturing on Scout’s first day of school. Scout and her teacher didn’t get along. Her teacher, Miss …show more content…
So Scout stepped in and told her, but she got in trouble for it and she was punished. In the schoolyard, Scout was rubbing Walter’s nose in the dirt when Jem made her stop. “”You’re bigger’n he is”, he said. “He’s as old as you, nearly,” I said. “He made me start off on the wrong foot.” “Let him go, Scout.”” (30). This is the beginning of Jem’s path to maturity. His maturity progresses and we see him mature more and more throughout the novel. Jem eventually stops tormenting Boo Radley and he realizes that Boo just wants to be friends and protect the kids. In chapter 10, Atticus has to shoot Tim Johnson, a mad dog. After the kids find out that Atticus was once known as One-Shot Finch, Jem says to Scout, “Naw, Scout, it’s something you wouldn’t understand. Atticus is real old, but I wouldn’t care if he couldn’t do anything-I wouldn’t care if he couldn’t do a blessed thing.” (131). At the beginning of this chapter, Jem was upset that his father was different from all of the other kids’ dads. So for Jem to say that to Scout and for him to make it known that he is proud of Atticus, shows us that he has matured and he is continuing to mature. In chapter 23, …show more content…
Most kids his age wouldn’t care about the trial or understand it like he did. Jem and Atticus are discussing the trial and Jem is very upset about the ruling and the evidence. He tells Atticus, “ You just can’t convict a man on evidence like that-you can’t.” Atticus calmly says back, “You couldn’t, but they could and did.” (295). Later in this chapter, Jem and Scout are talking about the trial and events that have taken place since the trial. While talking to Scout, Jem turned around and punched his pillow. Once he calmed down, he

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