Jacob Needleman

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In Jacob Needleman’s, “The American Soul: Redicovering the Wisdom of the Founders.” He examines the difference between historical Indian morals, traditions, beliefs and common misconceptions relating to them. Needleman, an advocate for the learning and discussion of an important part of American culture, wants to recall Indian lifestyles and share them in the 21st century. Many Americans consider Indian culture to be stuck in the past, but many aspects of Iroquois legends are linked to events and issues prevalent in our modern world. Needleman discusses a ‘creation’ story, important figures, and a specific legend that all connect to modern day Christian ideals and beliefs. This Iroquois legend begins with the origin of many of its peoples, …show more content…
Peace is central to Iroquois and Indian culture. It is termed as, “not as something passive, not as a mere absence of conflict, but as a fore that can harmonize the actions and impulses of human life in all their multiplicity and opposition to each other” (Needleman, 215). By this definition and way of life peace is an energy or state of mind, not something physically attainable. On main purpose of the Great Peacemaker was to spread peace to all tribes and nations. The concept was greatly accepted for it was a “call to serve what is far greater than oneself,” (Needleman, 215). The value of peace in this society reveals a lot about the people, their values and ideals. Christians also frequently use the term peace, but in today’s modern setting it has been given a connotation as the opposite of war and violence. Peace today can be physically seen as no more terrorism, civil wars, or international oppositions. A specific example is terroristic attacks throughout the world by multiple groups, one being the recent van ramming in Barcelona. The terrorist attack took place in Spain, in August, and is the opposite of peace as defined by the Iroquois. The attack was negative and spread fear into people, while the Indians define peace as “being freed of something negative, of being rid of fear for themselves,” (Needleman, 215). One article when examining peace in a negative world today states, “it’s their motivation in their hearts – anger, fear, hatred, suspicion – they’re the cause of these problems.” (---). Christianity’s definition of peace; “showing an absence of civil disturbance or hostilities, or a person free from internal and external strife,” also disagrees with the violence of terrorist attacks. Both definitions of peace are opposed to the cruel, extreme acts of violence happening in the world

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