“Victory In War, Because there is no greater glory than raising your flag over the slayin’
Enemy” (_____). Iwo Jima soldiers were as young as 15 years of age when they enlisted for the Military. The Battle of Iwo Jima was one of the bloodiest battles in American History that had ended in horrid deaths. Before the battle commenced the Navy and Marines began to speculate if there were any Japanese forces left on the island since Naval ships had unleashed waves of heavy fire and bombs on the island for two and half months. The Battle of Iwo Jima, in the western pacific, was needed to the U.S. tactical landing or launch space, to launch aerial bombings on Japan, also for the defensive purpose for the Empire of Japan; The U.S would soon win this island to help close the war. …show more content…
America attacked Iwo Jima on February 19th, 1945 at least 26,000 Marines landed on Iwo Jima and were unloaded from Amphibious LVT Amtracs, they waited for the entire Beach to fill until they rushed the beach. The United States had waited, and then stormed the immense battle lasted 37 days, around at least 6,000 Marines died during this, at least 19,000 were wounded or missing; around 500+ Naval ships were involved in this raid. The Battle of Iwo Jima, in the Western Pacific, was needed to the U.S. tactical landing or launch space, to launch which the Americans had exceeded, around 17,000 japanese were taken prisoner or missing. Japan soon lost the island to the Americas and lost the battle. aerial bombings on Japan, Also for the defensive purpose for the Empire of Japan; the U.S.will soon win this island to help close the