Italy was once a giant country in 1861, later in the year, Italy was divided into two groups, one being Northern Italy and the other Southern Italy. At this time there were many peasants and farmers in Southern Italy who mainly thrived in Mezzogiorno. “Those Italians who emigrated from the Mezzogiorno were largely of the peasant class of farmers and day laborers called the contadino class. The contadino included agriculture worked who owned a tiny plot of land and leased additional land from the large landowners” (Mindel, 64). The number one reason for the Italian immigration to America was the poverty Southern Italy faced. Southern Italy based there life primarily on the farming lifestyle. Yet, key factors came into play that pushed the peasants out of Southern Italy, these factors mostly included Northern Italy. There was pressure of a high population on Italy’s infertile land, this hurt Southern Italy because they could not compete with the industries of Western Europe, and could not produce as much food. Southerners also didn’t have the proper tools and appliances needed to become a strong farm based nation. Not only was the food scarce, but the standards of living were low, especially in the …show more content…
This wave ranged from two immigration groups, the Jews and Italians. Although the first Italian immigrants to arrive in American in the 1870’s were from Northern Italy, their numbers were small. “ In About 1870, there was a considerably diversity of types in the United States, they were largely Italians, it would seem and were perhaps more event scattered over the country then their people were here again to be (Kraus,164).” The impact of the Italian Migration, which increased rapidly after 1900, consisted largely of Southern Italians from the region known as the Mezzogiorno. Between 1900-1930 over five million Italians came to American, and at least 80% were form the Southern regions of Italy (Gambino, 1974:3; Lopreato, 1970:34, Mindel, 62). When the Southerners made the decision to leave Italy and head towards America, they had a vast number of destinations. The Southerners focussed on the larger scale cities, which were primarily north east. The most popular destination where Italian immigrants had taken there first step on United States land was called Ellis Island, or as the Italians called it Isola Della Lacrime meaning “Island of Tears”. As soon as the immigrants stepped foot in New York, a New York State quarantine inspector