There are many reasons why people immigrated to the United State, as such higher economic jobs, better life, and liberty and safety. They wanted to be in a free country where they would feel safe and not worry about being in their home. A lot of Americans feared the immigrants coming to America because they did not want people taking their jobs. President John F. Kennedy said that. “Our attitude towards immigration reflects our faith in the American ideal. We have always believed it possible for men and women who start at the bottom to rise as far as the talent and energy allow. Neither race nor place of birth should affect their chances.”( President John F. Kennedy) .The majority of immigrants came to America to get better jobs and to make a better life for their families. They wanted to raise a family in a safer and more secure place. Many countries in the 1960s were communist and when the United States w a country where you had freedom everyone wanted to move there. Many big events were going on in the United States in the 1960’s. John F. Kennedy was …show more content…
Kennedy was president, the Civil Right Acts, and the Vietnam War. John F. Kennedy and the civil rights were two big events going on that time. The civil rights movement was when African- Americans fought for the right for freedom and desegregation. There were many substantial events that occurred throughout this movement. John F. Kennedy was a big contributor because he wanted to put a stop to this hatred towards the African American race. Shqipe stated “I was surprised when I came to America and saw all these riots happening. Although it might have been hard to see these kinds of things happening I still felt sheltered in the United States.”(Selman 2015). The year she moved here which was 1961 freedom rides started to happen which were activist riding buses to challenge segregation laws. At the time being militant and peacefulness were very controversial because some people agreed with the more aggressive way of approaching problems and, some wanted a more peaceful approach. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted the more compliant way of taking on the riots and other violent events. Selman agreed with what Martin Luther King Jr. wanted. She thought that something had to be done about the segregation and wanted to stop