This new way resembles a term defined in Porters writing, a discourse community which is “a group of individuals bound by a common interest who communicate through approved channels and whose discourse is regulated(400).” Villanueva visited the library prior to writing the given assignment to search for patterns found in his professors writings. He would then use these patterns to construct his own writing. Villanueva wrote for his professor; he wrote in a way that he knew the reader would understand. The common interest in this case between Villanueva and his professor was the topic and structure of the writing. Every writer has patterns that they tend to follow, reading a writing that follows similar patterns as yours will only make it easier for you to understand. I think that Villanueva’s experience is a great example of a “discourse
This new way resembles a term defined in Porters writing, a discourse community which is “a group of individuals bound by a common interest who communicate through approved channels and whose discourse is regulated(400).” Villanueva visited the library prior to writing the given assignment to search for patterns found in his professors writings. He would then use these patterns to construct his own writing. Villanueva wrote for his professor; he wrote in a way that he knew the reader would understand. The common interest in this case between Villanueva and his professor was the topic and structure of the writing. Every writer has patterns that they tend to follow, reading a writing that follows similar patterns as yours will only make it easier for you to understand. I think that Villanueva’s experience is a great example of a “discourse