What are prescription drugs you might ask? Prescription Drug abuse is a widespread problem that targets mostly teenagers. Prescription drugs are Opioids to help stop the pain for certain patients who have it prescribed to them by a doctor. Many abusers get their supplements from people around them like family or friends that have been taking them medically. They are also taking them illegally by people handing them drugs or they buy it from someone they know. Prescription drugs could also be stimulants that give your body a fast jump start, causing a great increase in alertness, energy, and attention. “More than half were females and about a third were ages 12-17. About 570,000 people die annually in the U.S. due to drug use. That breaks down to …show more content…
Drugs can become a huge health factor for teenagers who have people around them doing drugs around them and it could possibly lead that child to withdraw multiple drugs throughout their life. “After marijuana and alcohol, prescription drugs are the most commonly abused substances by Americans age 14 and older.” (What Is Prescription Drug Abuse?) as of saying that communities need to get together and try to stop actions of drug