Patients play a large role in the over prescription of medications, often people ask for drugs unaware how harmful they are. According to Leana Wen …show more content…
I do agree that illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure have increased, but these illnesses are being over prescribed as well. According to The Guardian “Researchers have discovered overly aggressive control of blood sugar and blood pressure with more medicines in type II diabetes did not prevent heart attacks and, in fact, led to higher rates of complications” (Franklin). The more medications used to control a specific issue lead to more problems. The dosage may have increased but it had the same and often adverse effect. The use of multiple drugs is no better than one. Many patients will be prescribed drugs and they will believe that the drugs will work but the patient does not improve because of the actual chemical components of the drug. An article written in an APA magazine says, “Studies have shown that people with mild depression that take antidepressants, do not do significantly better than using placebos” (Smith36). Often times prescription drugs act as a placebo effect, the chemicals in the drugs are not healing them, but the patient believe that it