Have you ever seen a bunch of flashing lights and thought that they looked spectacular? Some might be able to look at it with admiration. Some may look away because of how they might react to seeing it. It’s possible that you may faint, pass out, or have a seizure. This may happen to people, and those people probably have epilepsy.
Next, epilepsy got its name because of the Greek words “epi - upon” and “lambamein - take hold of” to make the word “epilambanein” which means to hold or seize, later with additions of late Latin and French to make “epilepsy.”
Also, this disease is (roughly) caused by stress, or more scientifically, when “nerve cells in the brain suddenly release a large burst of electrical energy. (According to InfOhio)” Epilepsy can occur as easily as turning a light on, or seeing a …show more content…
Doctors may give you a drug that helps reduce seizures or make them stop. Another thing that might be helpful is to go on a special diet that a doctor suggests to you.
Epilepsy has a lot of effects on the person and people around them as well. Having a family member that has epilepsy can make it so certain places that might be amusing to some, can’t be visited by others. That person that might have epilepsy most likely can’t be left alone either, because of how at any moment a seizure might occur and no one is there to help.
Having a relative who has epilepsy can be challenging, even if they’re older. Most people avoid going to places that have any sorts of flashing lights, loud noises, or anything in those categories. Such as the Festival of Lights at the Cincinnati Zoo. Usually, you will see a person always by their side because of what might happen in case of an emergency.
Some questions that I still have about epilepsy are: How often do the seizures happen? Is is possible to permanently get rid of epilepsy? Finally, how easy is it to get