In “In Black Lives Matter” Dani McClain writes, “In November 24, 2014, when the St. Louis County prosecutor announced that a grand jury had decided not to bring charges against the officer who killed an unarmed Michael Brown, Twitter users fired off 3.4 million tweets regarding the police killings of black people and racial-justice organizing, with the vast majority coming from movement supporters and news outlets, according to a recent report by American University’s Center for Media and Social Impact” (McClain 20). This quote just proves that there was a mast majority of supports for the Black lives matter movement and that they were spreading the news about African American inequities in the criminal justice system fast. Not only did people express their anger through social media, but also through physical protest. When Darren Wilson, a police officer who killed Michael Brown, an African American male in Ferguson Missouri, was found not guilty a protest arose. This was the first time that people used a physical sign of the #Blacklivesmatter, but it also showed the huge rise in awareness of the Blacklivesmatter movement. In “The Making of a Movement” Hailey Wallace writes, “While the term was first used in 2013, it didn’t gain national recognition until the killing of Michael Brown” (Wallace, 65). This quote explains that there were people …show more content…
Social media and the Black Lives Movement was playing a bigger role than it ever did. Due the constant death toll of unarmed African Americans, people were expressing their angry on social media and in protest. Freddie Gray and Sandra Bland are two other victims of police brutality, and when the verdict came out, protest erupted for the victims. Blacks just want equality when it comes to police officers, and thankfully the Black Lives Matter movement has been getting support. Many other important Black Lives Matter movements have occurred to protest the unequal treatment in our criminal justice system when it comes to blacks. One movement that truly brought out the emotional side to this movement was “Mothers of the Movement” which happened on July 26, 2016. In “In Making the Movement” Wallace writes “the moth- ers of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Jordan Davis, Dontré Hamilton, Hadiya Pend- leton, Blair Holt, and Oscar Grant— speak during a primetime slot at the Democratic National Convention” (Wallace 67). This was not only a monumental moment for the Blacklivesmatter movement, but for the victims’ families. This showed the world that the democrat party, a majority of America cares for them and the many other African Americans. They were allowed to speak about their children and try to spread the word of ending police brutality and inequalities towards blacks.