Booker T. Washington was one African American who had a plan for “racial accommodation” which was his path toward progress. Washington used the example of a ship lost at sea, in need of water, signals a friendly ship. The friendly ship said “Cast down your bucket where you are.” Booker T. Washington, “Racial Accommodation” in [Reading the American Past] edited by Michael Johnson (New York: Bedford/St. Martin, 2012), 115. What he meant by this was that the African Americans should use what’s at their disposal to make things better and not try to acquire things that seem too far fetched. Washington was very much for African Americans getting out of the pit they have been in for so long. Washington came with a plan which called for “industrial education, conciliation of the south, and submission and silence as to civil and political rights” “Booker T. Washington and Others, 1903” in [Reading the American Past] edited by Michael Johnson (New York: Bedford/St. Martin, 2012), 117. These new views startled the nation to hear a African Americans support the submission of black rights. Washington believed African Americans needed to give up on political power, civil rights and higher education of Negro youth Mr. Washington came up with a program at a time when the nation was ashamed of their actions toward the negro race, his plan sought to give submission to the white race in that it was the only way Washington saw the negro surviving. In the early 1900s conditions for African Americans were gradually getting better. In Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, he stated that “Now he was going to be free, to tear off his shackles, to rise up and fight.” Sinclair, Upton. The Jungle. Doubleday, Jabber, 1906. 238.
Booker T. Washington was one African American who had a plan for “racial accommodation” which was his path toward progress. Washington used the example of a ship lost at sea, in need of water, signals a friendly ship. The friendly ship said “Cast down your bucket where you are.” Booker T. Washington, “Racial Accommodation” in [Reading the American Past] edited by Michael Johnson (New York: Bedford/St. Martin, 2012), 115. What he meant by this was that the African Americans should use what’s at their disposal to make things better and not try to acquire things that seem too far fetched. Washington was very much for African Americans getting out of the pit they have been in for so long. Washington came with a plan which called for “industrial education, conciliation of the south, and submission and silence as to civil and political rights” “Booker T. Washington and Others, 1903” in [Reading the American Past] edited by Michael Johnson (New York: Bedford/St. Martin, 2012), 117. These new views startled the nation to hear a African Americans support the submission of black rights. Washington believed African Americans needed to give up on political power, civil rights and higher education of Negro youth Mr. Washington came up with a program at a time when the nation was ashamed of their actions toward the negro race, his plan sought to give submission to the white race in that it was the only way Washington saw the negro surviving. In the early 1900s conditions for African Americans were gradually getting better. In Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, he stated that “Now he was going to be free, to tear off his shackles, to rise up and fight.” Sinclair, Upton. The Jungle. Doubleday, Jabber, 1906. 238.