When it comes down to a law itself, many people argue whether or not it should be in the hands of the people or the government itself. Many well known laws involving drugs and gender are seen as an opportunity that could either be in the hands of these two groups. Should certain laws be held accountable by the people of the state or the federal government? Three things will be discussed on whether or not it should be held by a certain power, whether it be the Federal Government, or the people of the state.
To start things off, we’ll discuss a law that’s been involved with the teenage audience for a while now, legalization of marijuana. Many people believe that Marijuana is not a dangerous drug and can be used for medical purposes, hence the name Medical Marijuana. As of right now, very little states allow for the adult use of Marijuana. People believe that the states should have the power to use marijuana because of all the upsides it as. For example, legalizing it can create jobs for people because it's the nation's largest cash crops under the rule of law.
Moving on, we go to a law that’s also been fought for a while now as well, Gay Marriage. While only a few amount of states have banned gay …show more content…
Many people argue that abortion clinics should be abolished because of their religion while others believe that we should keep them based on the causes. For example, if someone was raped, then they should have a say in deciding whether or not to get an abortion. While this is a good way to help people, people still believe that it is wrong because of their religion, saying that it’s as if you were killing a child. The government should have more power rather than the state itself because it’s their duty to help people in need, whether it be to pay for their operation or help them think about what they are going to do with the