Essay On Why I Want To Be A Social Worker

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Why are you interested in the field of social work?

Upon starting college, I was undecided, and was unsure of what I wanted to major in. I was often asked, “What do you like to do?” My response would always be I enjoy helping others. I have always wanted a career that would afford me the opportunity to work with people and help them. After researching numerous majors, I decided that social work would be the best match for what I enjoyed doing. There have been various life experiences that have led me to have the desire to become a social worker. For example, throughout my life, my family has taught me the value of helping others. I know being a social worker is very rewarding and I’m eager to get started in the program.

The rapidly growing elderly population is becoming a serious social problem in many countries. Why do you think it is a serious growing problem?

My interest in the elderly dates back to my childhood. I have gained so much insight
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No one is perfect. We all have been judged from one of our flaws at one point of time. Everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. A lot of clients that are elderly, homeless, or have mental concerns are often taken advantage of or overlooked. For example, making sure homeless people have access to health care as well as food assistance is important. It’s essential that staff treat clients respectfully if they are placed in adult homes or make sure the homes adhere to any policy that should be followed. Poverty and discrimination pose a constant challenge to policies that serve the health and income needs of children, families, people with disabilities and the elderly. Equality and fairness are core aspects of social justice and are discussed by social work practitioners who use research to reflect upon their practice. Taking care of the least advantaged members of society assures protection of equal

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