The Vietnam War escalated from a Vietnamese civil war into a limited international conflict in which the U.S was deeply involved. The Vietnam War was fought in South Vietnam between government forces, which were aided by the U.S, and guerrilla forces, which were aided by the North Vietnamese. Despite increased American military involvement and signed peace agreements in 1973, the Vietnam War did not end until North Vietnam successfully invaded South Vietnam in 1975. The Vietnam War may have been the longest war in American history. However, after South Vietnam collapsed, America was left to question their highly controversial involvement in a lost cause.
The war originated as a civil war …show more content…
On November 4, 1949, Mr. Philip C. Jessup (Ambassador-at-Large) received a memorandum from Raymond B. Fosdick, a consultant to the State Department on Far Eastern Affairs, concerning American support for the French in Vietnam. The document questioned American support for the French, asking, "Why do we tie ourselves to the tail of their battered kite?" Fosdick argued that supporting the French would ruin American standing and prestige in Southeast Asia. Fosdick continued by calling our relationship to this regime "shameful," as the French strictly restrain Indochina with their controls on foreign relations, military, general services, customs, and courts. Fosdick clearly points out that France is impeding on Indochina 's freedom and independence, the same values that America boasts proudly to …show more content…
W. Walton Butterworth, Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, responded on November 17, 1949 saying that he agrees, "That we should not support France in Indochina," but feels that we must make a commitment to help Bao Dai succeed by doing nothing that would deliberately eliminate his opportunity to succeed. Butterworth obviously believed in the "Domino Theory" and did not want to see nations falling to Communism in Southeast Asia, yet he understood that the French were overpowering the Vietnamese. Once again, many Americans could relate to this concept, leaving the country highly divided during this time of