Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Hoffman Plastic Compounds v. NLRB, 535 U.S. 137, 122 S. Ct. 1275, 152 L.Ed.2d 271 (2002), Mr. Castro was fired for his organizing activities, which he was unlawfully terminated (“Undocumented Workers”., n.d.). “The National Labor Relations Board, the agency that administers the NLRA, ordered the employer to cease and desist, to post a notice that it had violated the law and to reinstate Mr. Castro, and to provide him with back pay for the time he was not working because he had been illegally fired (“Undocumented Workers”., n.d., p. 5.).” In the Court proceeding it was stated that Mr. Castro was an illegal alien who had used false documents to his employer (“Undocumented Workers”., n.d.). The Supreme Court ruled that under the IRCA, against the ruling of the National Labor Relation Board, the Court denied back pay to undocumented workers, because back pay would compensate the illegal aliens for work they were unlawfully performing (“Undocumented Workers”., n.d.). “Additionally, the Court noted that the employer was not getting off scot-free because it was still subject to the cease and desist order as well as the notice order” (Rice, 2002, para.
Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Hoffman Plastic Compounds v. NLRB, 535 U.S. 137, 122 S. Ct. 1275, 152 L.Ed.2d 271 (2002), Mr. Castro was fired for his organizing activities, which he was unlawfully terminated (“Undocumented Workers”., n.d.). “The National Labor Relations Board, the agency that administers the NLRA, ordered the employer to cease and desist, to post a notice that it had violated the law and to reinstate Mr. Castro, and to provide him with back pay for the time he was not working because he had been illegally fired (“Undocumented Workers”., n.d., p. 5.).” In the Court proceeding it was stated that Mr. Castro was an illegal alien who had used false documents to his employer (“Undocumented Workers”., n.d.). The Supreme Court ruled that under the IRCA, against the ruling of the National Labor Relation Board, the Court denied back pay to undocumented workers, because back pay would compensate the illegal aliens for work they were unlawfully performing (“Undocumented Workers”., n.d.). “Additionally, the Court noted that the employer was not getting off scot-free because it was still subject to the cease and desist order as well as the notice order” (Rice, 2002, para.