The first thing this act did was allow workers to join, create, or assist labor unions. Next, the act allowed these unions to bargain, by using representatives of their choosing, with the businesses. Being able to bargain for better benefits for the employees is what makes being involved in a union so attractive to the average worker. This is the main job of unions today. Businesses now could not interfere with the formation of labor unions and they could not encourage or discourage membership or put restraints on the unions self-organizing rights. The Wagner act was also a steppingstone for two more bills that would be passed in the next 12 years which would further expand workers rights. This act brought forth the idea that people are the key to industry and they must be recognized and respected if business wants to
The first thing this act did was allow workers to join, create, or assist labor unions. Next, the act allowed these unions to bargain, by using representatives of their choosing, with the businesses. Being able to bargain for better benefits for the employees is what makes being involved in a union so attractive to the average worker. This is the main job of unions today. Businesses now could not interfere with the formation of labor unions and they could not encourage or discourage membership or put restraints on the unions self-organizing rights. The Wagner act was also a steppingstone for two more bills that would be passed in the next 12 years which would further expand workers rights. This act brought forth the idea that people are the key to industry and they must be recognized and respected if business wants to