An attempt at a prose translation of stanza one would sound as followed, my love is like a red rose that smells good. Simply put it loses all its value and charismatic qualities. Without its poetic building block, stanza one becomes empty, lacking in all the areas that it once had when being written in poetry. Its rhythmic pattern and play on words, when written in poetic form, emphasize on how strong the poet 's love is. The stressed followed by an unstressed syllable change the way in which a reader would read the poem; this contributes to what emphasis is put on which word. Emphasis is a crucial part of poetry because more often than not it is what tells the reader what the “subject” or “main idea” of the poem
An attempt at a prose translation of stanza one would sound as followed, my love is like a red rose that smells good. Simply put it loses all its value and charismatic qualities. Without its poetic building block, stanza one becomes empty, lacking in all the areas that it once had when being written in poetry. Its rhythmic pattern and play on words, when written in poetic form, emphasize on how strong the poet 's love is. The stressed followed by an unstressed syllable change the way in which a reader would read the poem; this contributes to what emphasis is put on which word. Emphasis is a crucial part of poetry because more often than not it is what tells the reader what the “subject” or “main idea” of the poem