Huck Finn's Watershed

Superior Essays
Twain uses his watershed to urge readers to similarly step up for what is right. Another watershed for him, at the climax of the story, happens when he makes the momentous choice to save Jim from slavery after he discovers that Jim has been ‘kidnapped.’ Not only does this decision, like the choice to stop the con men’s scam, put him at great risk, but it goes against one of the pillars of white society---subjugation of slaves. Therefore, he feels morally conflicted; should he conform to society’s norms or follow his conscience? As he struggles to make a decision, he thinks of all the kind, caring things Jim did for him and is unable to “strike no places to harden me against him” (Twain 215). Finally, he chooses to save Jim and “go to hell” …show more content…
In this case, because of Jim’s “racial identity in a racist society,” he will remain subjugated (James). Critics also debate whether or not Huck has truly learned important lessons from his adventures with Jim. Huck seems to revert to his old ways at the end of the novel when “he prioritizes his friendship with Tom over his loyalty to Jim” and follows along---although initially unwillingly---with Tom’s wild schemes to save Jim (Valkeakari). He is aware that Tom’s mischief will not help save Jim at all---if not harm Jim in the process; yet, he does not step in to stop it. According to the critic Roache, Huck seems to have a dual personality. It is the same Huck “who has supposedly overcome his racism,” who says that he “knowed he was white inside” after “being convinced of Jim’s humanity” (qtd. in Valkeakari). This is yet another example of Huck’s struggle to choose between his beliefs on race and society’s beliefs on race. Unfortunately, because the belief of white superiority is too deeply ingrained, it will be highly difficult for him to shake off society’s shackles. At the very end of the novel, he decides “to light out for the Territory”---in other words, escape society (Twain 293). Is this a sign that he is disgusted at society’s wrongdoings or that he is reluctantly accepting reality? No matter the reason he decides to leave society, Twain makes it thoroughly clear that society’s restricting …show more content…
Because Huck is young and innocent, readers can see society’s evils through the eyes of someone who has not yet fully understood those evils. As he journeys down the river with Jim, their interactions with society shape both their opinions of society and their own values. Although both characters develop their own beliefs and choose to follow their conscience, they are still heavily influenced by the society around them. The struggle between individual conscience and society’s norms is one that has existed to this day and is prevalent in everyone’s lives. It is important to understand that while it is right to abide by the rules, it is not right to abide by the wrong

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