Huck Finn

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What is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’s true meaning? Is it simply a chronicle of a young boy’s adventures? Is it rather a critique of southern racism? Or is it neither? Many critics debate this popular novel by Mark Twain about a boy, Huck and a runaway slave, Jim’s, adventures on the Mississippi River trying to get Jim to freedom. Their trials and interactions offer insight and commentary on Southern life during this time, but while Twain’s supposed critique of southern racism is successful in the sense that he shows a positive relationship between a white boy and a black man, his message is ultimately limited by the ambiguity of said message, as is evident though Jim’s embodiment of typical African American stereotypes, Huck’s lack of moral growth, and a rushed, haphazard ending of the novel. Throughout the novel, the character Jim often portrays many of the specific stereotypes attributed to African Americans during this time period. These stereotypes have specific names given to them, such as the “coon” who is the typical, lazy, uneducated, superstitious slave who is constantly trying to avoid work. In one such instance, Huck talks about one of Jim’s superstitions, saying “Jim, had a hair-ball as big as your fist, which had been took out of the fourth stomach of an ox, and he used to do magic with it. He said there was a spirit inside of it, and it knowed everything.”(Twain Ch.4).The use of the hairball to predict the future shows the superstitions Jim holds, that he believes in and talks to ‘spirits’, and in turn reinforce the stereotype of the uneducated “coon”. Later on When Huck fakes his own death and encounters Jim on Jackson’s Island, Jim is extremely surprised, exclaiming, “‘Doan ' hurt me—don 't! I hain 't ever done no harm to a ghos '. I alwuz liked dead people, en done all I could for 'em. You go en git in de river agin, whah you b 'longs, en doan ' do nuffn to Ole Jim, 'at 'uz awluz yo ' fren '.’”(Twain Ch.8). Although this exclamation also shows Jims superstitiousness: his belief that Huck is a ghost, throughout the novel, whenever Jim talks, Twain uses a dialect that is far less educated or proper and far harder to understand than that of any of the white characters. Even Huck, who has very little education is much easier to understand than Jim. Especially with “ 'at 'uz awluz yo ' fren '” , his speech is almost incomprehensible, and the difference is too major to be considered a coincidence. By giving Jim this dialect, Twain again reinforces the stereotype of the ‘stupid’ and ‘inferior’ slave. Another Ambiguity in the novel is Huck’s moral growth, and although Huck shows promise at the beginning of the novel, by the end it is unclear whether Huck has learned or developed at all in terms of his views on race. …show more content…
When going to save Jim from slavery at the Phelps farm, he runs into Tom Sawyer, who wants to help him in this endeavor. Huck is shocked when he hears this, thinking, “I 'm bound to say Tom Sawyer fell considerable in my estimation. Only I couldn 't believe it. Tom Sawyer a nigger-stealer!” (Twain 235).Though at first one may think Huck’s decision to break Jim out of slavery is serving a higher purpose and related to Huck’s disagreement with slavery and Twain’s supposed critique of racism, when he meets Tom and shows disbelief and reproach at Tom being a “nigger-stealer!”, one sees now that really it is not about race for Huck, but rather one personal relationship. Although this shows their good relationship, Huck’s lack or stagnant views on race fail to make the argument against it. This all culminates though, when at the end of the novel, after Jim has helped Tom Sawyer and everyone is praising him, Huck thinks happily to himself, “I knowed he was white on the inside”(Twain 279). When Huck says this, although it shows that he holds Jim in higher regard, this belief does not translate to any other slaves, nor does not show any change in his beliefs about race. By saying he thinks Jim is ‘white on the inside’, it shows he still believes whites are superior, which is not an effective critique of racism, if the main character of the story still holds the same

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