Huck Finn Jim's Transformation Essay

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“What one thinks is right is not always the same as what others think is right; no one can be always right” (Roy T. Bennett). The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn which was written by Mark Twain is a story of a young white boy, Huck Finn, and a runaway slave, Jim who are trying to escape south. They experience many challenges and changes along the way, especially Huck. Frances Brownell, the author of The Role of Jim, analyzed Jim’s character to understand his impact on Huck’s transformation. Through Jim’s benevolent and fatherly nature, Huck can have a better mindset of black people.
Jim’s character has the ability to help build Huck’s morals because of his humble and kind personality. In the beginning, Huck sees Jim just like any white person would; a savage who doesn’t care about things like family like a white person would. Yet Huck ignores the fact that Pap doesn’t care for Huck and says “Who told you you might meddle with such hifalut'n foolishness, hey?—who told you you could?” (Twain 20). Pap wants Huck to be just as a terrible drunk and racist as he is. While Pap fails to support and protect Huck as a father, Jim is
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When Huck considers turning Jim back to Miss Watson, he remembers all those times he had on the river. Jim would keep watch longer so Huck could sleep and in return, Huck would protect Jim from the people who looked for runaway slaves. Even for Jim, Huck is “‘de bes’ fren’ Jim’s ever had, en... de only fren’ ole Jim’s got now’” (Twain 110). This is Huck’s ego going against the superego of whether to follow society’s morals or disobey them. Finally, as Huck remembers all the good times, he says “‘All right, then, I’ll go to hell’” (Twain 242). At this moment, Huck finally turns his back against society’s moral norms. Not only this, but Huck begins to feel bad for even for the Duke a Dauphin, saying “Human beings can be awful cruel to one another” (Twain

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