Many will simply dislike the change, will not be comfortable with the unknowns, think that the change will negatively affect them, think that their culture is being taken away, or think that the company sold them out. As staff learn of the changes, many will be anxious about what lies on the other side and “for some the uncertainty is magnified by a lack of confidence that they have the skills/capabilities needed in the post-change situation” (Palmer et all, 2009, p.163). For others, change means that there may be a negative effect on them personally such as a loss of status or authority. They believe that the change will take something away from them. Some staff may simply not want to adapt to the change and resist to change ‘the way we have always done things around her’ because it is what they always known. While other staff believes that the change is a breach or violation of reciprocal contract between the employer and employee (Palmer et all, 2009, p. 165). These employees think that because they have always been there for the company or have long time tenure, that the company owes it to them to keep the employee’s duties and responsibilities the same. They don’t expect changes to be handed down to them without them being asked first if they would like
Many will simply dislike the change, will not be comfortable with the unknowns, think that the change will negatively affect them, think that their culture is being taken away, or think that the company sold them out. As staff learn of the changes, many will be anxious about what lies on the other side and “for some the uncertainty is magnified by a lack of confidence that they have the skills/capabilities needed in the post-change situation” (Palmer et all, 2009, p.163). For others, change means that there may be a negative effect on them personally such as a loss of status or authority. They believe that the change will take something away from them. Some staff may simply not want to adapt to the change and resist to change ‘the way we have always done things around her’ because it is what they always known. While other staff believes that the change is a breach or violation of reciprocal contract between the employer and employee (Palmer et all, 2009, p. 165). These employees think that because they have always been there for the company or have long time tenure, that the company owes it to them to keep the employee’s duties and responsibilities the same. They don’t expect changes to be handed down to them without them being asked first if they would like